Veröffentlichungen 1994
- Th. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, T. Becker, W. Wiesbeck, "Wave propagation models for mobile communication systems: A survey", Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications ICT'94, pp. 43-46, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 10-12, 1994
- Th. Kürner, T. Becker, D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "BER Prediction for GSM-Systems using digital terrain data", Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 55-58, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 10-12, 1994
- T. C. Becker, Th. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "DAB planning methods based on fieldstrength-delay-spectra", Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 283-286, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 10-12, 1994
- E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Theoretical and experimental determination of the polarimetric antenna radar cross section", Electromagnetics, vol. 14, pp. 99-117, Taylor&Francis, London, UK, 1994
- D. J. Cichon, T. C. Becker, W. Wiesbeck, "A ray launching approach for indoor and outdoor applications", COST-231 TD (94) 32, Lisbon, Portugal, January 18-21, 1994
- Ch. Bornkessel , W. Wiesbeck, "Analyse und Optimierung von EMV-Absorberkammern", EMV-Journal, vol.5 no.1, pp 56-61, February, 1994
- R. Speck, "Hochempfindliche Impedanzmessungen an Supraleiter/Festelektrolyt-Kontakten", Forschungsbericht aus dem Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 6, (Dissertation), ISSN 0942-2935, Feb. 11, 1994
- Ch. Bornkessel , H. Uhlmann, "Analyse und Vorhersage der Tauglichkeit von Absorberkammern für EMV-Meßzwecke", 4. Int. Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'94, pp. 269-278, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 22-24, 1994
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, "Design of multilayer aperture-coupled microstrip antennas for dual linear polarisation", Proc. of the COST-245 Active Antenna Workshop, St. Gallen, Switzerland, February 23-25, 1994
- G. Dahlinger, J. Hasse, N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, "Eignung supraleitender Mikrostrip-Resonatoren zur Messung von Materialparametern", Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V., Münster, Germany, March 12-15, 1994
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, G. Gottwald, "Konforme Antennen-Arrays in Streifen-leitungstechnik", ITG-Fachtagung Antennen, pp. 241-246, Dresden, April 12-15, 1994
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, "Dual polarisierte Microstrip-Patch-Antennenarrays für satellitengestützte aktive SAR-Systeme", ITG-Fachtagung Antennen, pp. 259-264, Dresden, April 12-15, 1994
- E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck," Numerische Analyse von Antennen-Nahfeldern im Kurzwellenbereich", ITG-Tagung Antennen, pp. 369-374, Dresden, April 12-15, 1994
- N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, "2D PEM path loss calculation compared to measure-ments", COST-PROJECT 235 - CP230, Prague, Czech Republic, April 12-15, 1994
- D. J. Cichon, T. C. Becker, N. Geng, "Coverage prediction and channel characterization by 3D propagation simulation considering topography and land usage", COST-231/235 Joint Workshop, TD (94) 90, Prague, Czech Republic, April 12-15, 1994
- T. C. Becker, Th. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, "Analytical BER determination for digital radio systems", COST-231 TD (94) 77, Prague, Czech Republic, April 12-15, 1994
- H. Bühler, E. Bonek, D. Cichon, K. Davidsen, U. Liebenow, "Estimation of macrocell time dispersion from terrain data", COST-231/235 Joint Workshop, TD (94) 86, Prague, Czech Republic, April 12-15, 1994
- Th. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, T. Becker, "Degradation of digital communication systems in a multipath environment", Proc. IEEE International Vehicular Technology Conference VTC'94, pp. 170-174, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11, 1994
- Th. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Influence of the receiver near range in forested and urban areas in land-mobile radio systems", Proc. IEEE International Vehicular Technology Conference VTC'94, pp. 190-194, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11, 1994
- J. Kehrbeck, W. Wiesbeck, "Dual channel microwave front-end at 24 GHz for true ground speed measurement", Proc. IEEE International Vehicular Technology Conference VTC'94, pp. 1316-1320, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11, 1994
- J. Kehrbeck, W. Wiesbeck, "Microwave front end for true ground speed measurement", 3rd International Conference on Land Vehicle Navigation EURNAV, DGON, pp. 207-214, Dresden, Germany, June 14-16, 1994
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Dual polarized aperture-coupled patch antennas for spaceborne application in C- and X-band", Proc. IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium AP'94 , pp. 476-479, Seattle, WA, USA, June 19-24, 1994
- N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, "Features and limitations of a 3D ray optical model for the simulation of long distance microwave communications", IEEE AP-S International Symposium, pp. 1930-1933, Seattle, WA, USA, June 19-24, 1994
- Ch. Bornkessel, "Numerical modeling of anechoic chambers", TEMPUS technical Conference on Computer Aided Methods and Technical Management in Electrical Engineering Education, p. 36, Budapest, Hungary, June 9-10, 1994
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "High-performance C-band microstrip patch subarray with dual polarization capabilities", PIERS-94, p. 56, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, July 11-15, 1994
- G. Gottwald, W.Wiesbeck, "Principle Limitations of polarisation purity for planar and cylindrical patch antennas", PIERS-94, p.167, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, July 11-15,1994
- R.M. Jha, P.R. Mahapatra, W. Wiesbeck, "Surface-ray tracing on hybrid surfaces of revolution for UTD mutual coupling analysis", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.42, No.8, pp. 1167-1175, August 1994
- F. Rostan, G. Gottwald, W. Wiesbeck, "Design and performance of conformal microstrip patch arrays on cylindrical surfaces", Proc. of the 24th European Microwave Conference EuMC '94, pp. 1756-1761, Cannes, France, Sept. 5-8, 1994
- D.J. Cichon, J. Lähteenmäki, "Ray optical propagation simulations and measurements in indoor environments", COST-231 TD (94) 138, Darmstadt, Germany, September 6-8, 1994
- D.J. Cichon, N. Geng, J. Bach Andersen, "Investigation of micro cell base station diversity by a polarimetric propagation model", COST-231 TD (94) 139, Darmstadt, Germany, September 6-8, 1994
- P. Möller, N. Cardona Marcet, D.J. Cichon, "Investigations in a new developed urban propagation model", COST-231 TD (94) 135, Darmstadt, Germany, September 6-8,1994
- D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Indoor and outdoor propagation modeling in pico cells", Proc. IEEE International Conference PIMRC'94, pp. 491-495, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 18-21, 1994,
- D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Ray optical wave propagation modeling in urban micro cells", Proc. IEEE International Conference PIMRC'94, pp. 407-410, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 18-21, 1994
- Ch. Bornkessel, W. Wiesbeck, "Influence of geometrical asymmetries on anechoic chamber performance", A.M.T.A. 16th Annual Meeting and Symposium, pp. 189-193, Long Beach, California, October 3-7, 1994
- G. Staikov, W.J. Lorenz, W. Wiesbeck, M.W. Breiter, "Leitfähigkeitsmechanismen von Superionenleitern in weiten Temperatur- und Frequenzbereichen", GDCh Jahrestagung 1994, Dresden, 1994, pp.81-89
- E. Pillai, "Derivation of equivalent circuits for multilayer PCB and chip package discontinuities using full wave models", Forschungsbericht aus dem Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 7, (Dissertation), ISSN 0942-2935, Nov. 8, 1994
- G. Gottwald, W. Wiesbeck, "Near field coupling calculation in cylindrical structures for conformal patch antenna applications", JINA 94, pp.123-126, Nice, France, November 8-10, 1994
- Th. Kürner, W.Wiesbeck, "Einfluß der Mehrwegeausbreitung auf die Bitfehlerrate", FREQUENZ, Band 48, Nr. 11/12, S. 270-278, 1994
- D. Cichon "Strahlenoptische Modellierung der Wellenausbreitung in urbanen Mikro- und Picofunkzellen", Forschungsbericht aus dem Institut für Höchst-frequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 8, (Dissertation), ISSN 0942-2935, Dec. 20, 1994
- M. Thumm,. "Progress in the development of high-power millimeter- and submillimeter wave gyrotrons and of free electron masers", Archiv für Elektrotechnik 77,, 51-55 (1994)
- O. Dumbrajs, M. Thumm, "Gyrotrons for technological applications", Int. J. Electronics 76,. 351-364 (1994)
- G. Gantenbein, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, M. Kuntze, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, "Experimental results and numerical simulations of a high power 140-GHz gyrotron" , IEEE Transa. on Plasma Science PS-22, 861-870 (1994)
- C. Del Rio, J. M. Net, J. Padullés, T. Sancho, M. Sorolla, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Undesired resonances in oversized rippled-wall mode converters",Int. J. Electronics 77, 1101-1111 (1994)
- H.-U. Nickel, J. Halbritter, "Damage and erosion at ceramic windows due to high-power millimeter waves", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 15, 651(1994)
- A. Wien, M. Thumm, "Numerische Analyse der Aperturbelegung einer Vlasov-Antenne", ITG-Fachbericht 128, ITG-Fachtagung "Antennen" '94, Dresden, VDE Verlag, 1994, pp. 165-168
- Y. Bykov, A. Eremeev, V. Flyagin, A. Kuftin, A.Luchinin, O. Malygin, M. Kuntze, G. Link, M. Thumm, "Gyrotron installation for processing of materials", European Workshop on Microwave Processing of Materials, Karlsruhe, 1994
- M. Thumm, G. Dammertz, O. Höchtl, M. Kuntze, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, J. Pretterebner, C. Semmle, A. Wien, "Development of high-power millimeter wave gyrotron oscillators at KfK", Proc. 6th Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 49-74
- G. Dammertz, O. Höchtl, C. Iatrou, S. Kern, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Design considerations for a 1.5-MW, 140-GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron with dual-beam output", Proc. 6th Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 136-165
- V. Erckmann,, H.E. Häfner, R. Heidinger, A. Hoffmann, W. Kasparek, P. Norajitra, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, "High power tests of cryogenically cooled windows", Proc. 6th Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 248-270
- M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Numerical analysis of backscattering from a helically-cut quasi-optical launcher", Proc. 6th Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 437-450
- M. Thumm, "Advanced electron cyclotron heating systems for next step fusion experiments", Proc. 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Karlsruhe, Germany, August 22-26, 1994, Invited Lecture
- M. Pain, G. Tonon, M.Q. Tran, T.M. Tran, D.R. Whaley, E. Borie, C. Grüber, A. Möbius, B. Piosczyk, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, A. Wien, A. Dubrovin, P. Garin, E. Giguet, J.-M. Krieg, H.-G. Mathews, "Quasi-CW 0.5-MW - 118-GHz gyrotron for ECRH", Proc. 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Karlsruhe, Germany, August 22-26, 1994, Contributed Paper PA-051
- M. Kuntze, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Höchtl, C. Iatrou, S. Kern, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, C. Semmle, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Development of advanced high-power 140-GHz gyrotrons for fusion plasma applications", Proc. 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Karlsruhe, Germany, August 22-26, 1994, Contributed Paper PA-053
- H. E. Häfner, P. Norajitra, K. Müller, M. Thumm, "Conceptual design and thermodynamics study of single disk sapphire windows with liquid nitrogen edge cooling for millimeter wave plasma heating", Proc. 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Karlsruhe, Germany, August 22-26, 1994, Contributed Paper PA-055
- M. Thumm, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Höchtl, M. Kuntze, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, C. Semmle, A. Wien, "Development of advanced high-power 140-GHz gyrotrons at KfK", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Invited Keynote Paper M5.1, pp 57-58
- M.Q. Tran, T.M. Tran, D.R. Whaley, C. Iatrou, S. Kern, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, P. Norajitra, M. Thumm, G. Bon-Mardion, M. Pain, G. Tonon, "Feasibility study of the EU home team on the manufacture of a gyrotron for ECRH on ITER", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper M5.6, pp 67-68
- V.A. Flyagin, V.I. Khishnyak, V.N. Manuilov, A.B. Pavelyev, V.G. Pavelyev, B. Piosczyk, G. Dammertz, O. Höchtl, C. Iatrou, S. Kern, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, A. Wien, O. Dumbrajs, "Development of a 1.5-MW coaxial gyrotron at 140-GHz", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper M5.10, pp 75-76
- C. Del Rio, J. M. Net, J. Padullés, T. Sancho, M. Sorolla, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Multiresonances in oversized rippled wall mode converters", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper Tu6.2, pp 224-225
- H.E. Häfner, K. Heckert, P. Norajitra, R. Vouriot, A. Hofmann, N. Münch, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, V. Erckmann, "Investigations of liquid nitrogen cooled windows for high power millimeter wave transmission", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W1.3, pp 281-282
- D. Wagner, G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, "Improved gyrotron cavities with high quality factors", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W1.7, pp-289-290
- M. Pain, G. Tonon, M.Q. Tran, T.M. Tran, D.R. Whaley, E. Borie, A. Möbius, B. Piosczyk, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, A. Wien, A. Dubrovin, P. Garin, E. Giguet, J.-M. Krieg, H.-G. Mathews, "Quasi-CW 118-GHz - 0.5-MW gyrotron with cryogenic window", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W1.8
- O. Höchtl, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Numerical analysis of mode conversion in coaxial waveguide components", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W5.3, pp 335-336
- A. Wien, M. Thumm, "Numerical analysis of backscattering from a helically cut quasi-optical antenna", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W5.4, pp 337-338
- A. Möbius, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Generalization of ohmic loss formulas for waveguides with wall perturbation", Conf. Digest 19th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 1994, Contributed Paper W5.5, pp 339-340
- M.Q. Tran, T.M. Tran, D.R. Whaley, R. Heidinger, C.T. Iatrou, S. Kern, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, P. Norajitra, B. Piosczyk, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, A. Wien, A.G.A Verhoeven, W.H. Urbanus, M. Pain, G. Tonon, "Feasibility studies of the EU home team on the manufacture of ECW sources for ITER", Net Report No. 105, EUR FU/XII-163/105-94, Garching, 1994.
- O. Höchtl, "Numerische Analyse der Modenkonversion in koaxialen Wellenleiterkomponenten", KfK Bericht 5298 , Karlsruhe, 1994
- Ch. Semmle, "Aufbau eines Meßsystems zur Bestimmung der Parameter des Millimeterwellen-Ausgangsstrahls von Hochleistungsgyrotrons", KfK Bericht 5400, Karlsruhe, 1994
- L. Rebuffi, M. Thumm, "Antenna producing a millimeter wave beam having a Gaussian-like distribution", Patent, Europe 0 372 463 B1, 09.03.1994, United States of America, 5 302 962, 12.04.1994
- H.T. Schneider, T. Feigl, L.Schall, F. Waldfahrer, C. Riedel, C. Wittekind, R. Riedlinger, E.G. Hahn, C. Ell, "Experimental tumor destruction by high energy pulsed ultrasound (HEPUS)", A.G.A.94, New Orleans, May 1994
- J. Zenk, H. Iro, H. Heinritz, R. Riedlinger, "Die Anwendung von hochenergetischen gepulsten Ultraschallwellen (HEPUS) zur Malignontherapie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich-tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen", HNO-Kongreß, Chemnitz, 1994
- H.T. Schneider, T. Feigl, M. Löhr, F. Waldfahrer, R. Riedlinger, E.G. Hahn, C. Ell, "Invitro effects of high energy pulsed ultrasound (HEPUS) on human tumor cells", Europ. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol. 6, Nr. 3, 1994
- H.T. Schneider, T. Feigl, L.Schall, F. Waldfahrer, C. Riedel, C. Wittekind, R. Riedlinger, E.G. Hahn, C. Ell, "Experimentelle Tumordestruktion durch hochenergetischen gepulsten Ultraschall (HEPUS)", Kongr. der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Ulm, Germany, Sept.-14-17, 1994
- M. Peichl, "Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung des Apertursyntheseverfahrens bei 37 GHZ", (Dissertation) Universität Karlsruhe, IHE, Feb. 14.,1994
- U. Nickel, "Hochfrequenztechnische Aspekte zur Entwicklung rückwirkungsarmer Ausgangsfenster für Millimeterwellengyrotrons hoher Leistung", (Dissertation) Universität Karlsruhe, IHE, Nov. 11., 1994