Veröffentlichungen 2002
- A. Herschlein, Entwicklung numerischer Verfahren zur Feldberechnung konformer Antennen auf Oberflächen höherer Ordnung, Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 34, 2002
- S. Ginter, "Selbstkonsistente Modellierung der Erhitzung von biologischem Gewebe durch hochintensiven Ultraschall", Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 32, 2002
- Kartikeyan, M.V., A. K. Sinha, M. Thumm, "Equivalent circuit parameters for non-azimuthally symmetric fast modes of helix loaded waveguides", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, PS-30, pp. 375-379, 2002
- M. Thumm, "Free-electron masers vs. gyrotrons: prospects for high-power sources at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, 483, pp. 196-194, 2002
- T. Idehara, I. Ogawa, S. Maeda, R. Pavlichenko, S. Mitsudo, D. Wagner, M. Thumm, "Observation of mode patterns for high purity mode operation in the submillimeter wave gyrotron FU VA", Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 23, pp. 973-980, 2002
- T. Lopetegi, M.A.G. Laso, M.J. Erro, M. Sorolla, M. Thumm,"Analysis and design of periodic structures for microstrip lines by using the coupled mode theory", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 12, pp. 441-443, 2002
- A. V. Arzhannikov, G.G. Denisov, N.S. Ginzburg, P.V. Kalinin, N.Yu. Peskov, M. Thumm, A.S. Sergeev, S.L. Sinitsky, V.D. Stepanov, "Theoretical and experimental studies of two-dimensional bragg resonators for high-power planar free-electron masers", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2002
- T. M. Schäfer, D. Didascalou, W. Wiesbeck "Wave Propagation Modelling in Arbitrarily Shaped Tunnels Based on Geometrical Optics" Open Symposium on Propagation and Remote Sensing – URSI Commission F, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 12-15. Feb. 2002
- C. Waldschmidt, J. v. Hagen and W. Wiesbeck, "Influence of power azimtuth spectrum and mutual coupling on correlation in smart antenna diversity systems", Open Symposium on Propagation and Remote Sensing, URSI, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 12.-15.Feb. 2002
- M. Peichl, S. Schulteis, S. Dill and H. Süß, "Application of microwave radiometry for buried landmine detection", Open Symposium on Propagation and Remote Sensing – URSI Commission F, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 12-15. Feb. 2002
- A. Herschlein, J. von Hagen, W. Wiesbeck, "Methods for Evaluation of Regular, Weakly Singular and Strongly Singular Surface Reaction Integrals Arising in Method of Moments", ACES, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 63-73, March 2002
- A. Herschlein, W. Sörgel, W. Wiesbeck, "Auswirkungen einer Grenzwertverschärfung auf Mobilfunknetze", EMV2002, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, pp. 673-682, 9.-11. April, 2002
- T. M. Schäfer, W. Sörgel, W. Wiesbeck "Experimentelle Untersuchung des Dämpfungsverhaltens von Klinikwänden" EMV 2002: 10. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, Germany, 9.-11. April, 2002
- T. Zwick, J. Haala and W. Wiesbeck,"A Genetic Algorithm for the Evaluation of Matrial Parameters of Compound Multilayered Structures", IEEE Trasnactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 50, no. 4, pp1180-1187, April 2002
- J. Haala and W. Wiesbeck, "Modeling Microwave and Hybrid Heating Processes Including Heat Radiation Effects", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1346-1354, May 2002
- J. Maurer, T. Fügen and W. Wiesbeck, "Narrow-band measurement and analysis of the inter-vehicle transmission channel at 5.2GHz", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC Spring 2002, IEEE 55th, vol. 2, pp.1274-1278, Birmingham, USA, May, 2002
- J. Maurer, T. Fügen and W. Wiesbeck, "Experimental Investigation of the Inter-Vehicle Transmission Channel at 5.2GHz", COST 273 Document TD(02)080, Espoo, Finland, 24.-31.May 2002
- T. M. Schäfer, T. Fügen, W. Wiesbeck "Measurement and Analysis of Radio Wave Propagation in Hospitals" COST 273, TD(02)056, Espoo, Finland, 29.-31. May 2002
- S. Ginter, M. Liebler, E. Steiger, T. Dreyer and R. E. Riedlinger, "Full-wave modeling of therapeutic ultrasound: Nonlinear ultrasound propagation in ideal fluids", JASA, vol. 111, no. 5, Pt. 1, pp. 2049-2059, May 2002
- L. Feher, M. Thumm, "System design development for microwave and millimeter-wave materials processing", Proc. SPIE 16th Annual Int. Symp. on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation and Controls, Intense Microwave Pulses , SPIE Vol. 4720, pp. 75-80, Orlando, USA, 2002
- Ch. Hunyar, L. Feher, M. Thumm, "Investigations in millimeter-wave processing of an unidirectional carbon-fiber reinforced composite (CFRP) material", Proc. SPIE 16th Annual Int. Symp. on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation and Controls, Intense Microwave Pulses IX, SPIE vol. 4720, pp. 81-89, Orlando, USA, 2002
- M. Thumm, "Powerful vacuum electron tubes used in European particle accelerators and thermonuclear fusion systems", Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2002), pp. 3-4, Monterey, California, USA, 2002
- M. V. Kartikeyan, A.K. Sinha, S.N. Joshi, M. Thumm, "A coaxially loaded helical slow-wave structure for TWTs", Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2002), pp. 151-152, Monterey, California, USA, 2002
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, E. Borie, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, H. Laqua, G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, Y. LeGoff, W. Leonhardt, C. Lievin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, "140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotron for fusion plasma heating", Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2002), pp. 330-331, Monterey, California, USA, 2002
- M. Thumm, L. Feher, "K-band vacuum electron tubes for materials processing: present and future", Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2002), pp. 371-372, Monterey, California, USA, 2002
- S. Zhu, T. Dreyer, M. Liebler, and P. Zhong, "Effects of an acoustic diode on lithotripter shock wave, cavitation, and stone fragmentation", JASA, vol. 111, no. 5, Pt. 2, p. 2461, May 2002
- G. Michel, P. Brand, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, F. Hollmann, L. Jonitz, W. Kasparek, H.P. Laqua, W. Leonhardt, G. Müller, F. Purps, M. Schmid, T. Schulz, M. Thumm,"Progress of the 10 MW ECRH system for W7-X", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16.May , 2002
- A. G. A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, M. Graswinckel, P. Hellingman, J.J. Kamp, W. Kooijman, O.G. Kruijt, J. Maagdenberg, D. Ronden, J. Stakenborg, A.B. Sterk, J. Tichler, S. Alberti, T. Goodman, M. Henderson, J.A. Hoekzema, J.W. Oosterbeek, A. Fernandez, K. Likin, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, S. Novak, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, H. Bindslev, A. Kaye, C. Fleming, H. Zohm,"The 113 GHz ECRH system for JET", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16. May, 2002
- R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, L. Steinbock, M. Thumm, "Characteristics of the light emission from CVD diamond windows", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16. May, 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, H. Budig, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, O. Dumbrajs, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, "A coaxial cavity gyrotron - experimental results and technical conditions", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France,13.-16. May, 2002
- K. Koppenburg, A. Arnold,. E. Borie, G. Dammertz, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, S. Illy, M. Kuntze, G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Liévin, G: Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, "Experimental results of the 140 GHz, 1 MW long-pulse gyrotron for W7-X", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16. May, 2002
- A. A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Ill'in, J.V. Roschin, I.N. Roy, N.V. Shapatkovskij, M.V. Agapova, V.N. Ill'in, V.E. Mjasnikov, V.O. Nichiporenko, L.G. Popov, S.V. Usachev, D.V. Hmara, G.G. Denisov, A.G. Litvak, V. I. Malygin, V.E. Zapevalov, M. Thumm, G. Dammertz, S. Illy, "Results of 170 GHz gyrotron tests", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16. May , 2002
- C. Darbos, F. Bouquey, J. Clary, G. Giruzzi, M. Jung, M. Lennholm, R. Magne, T. Petit, Ch. Portafaix, D. Roux, J.L. Segui, X. Zou, E. Giguet, Ch. Lievin, S. Alberti, JP. Hogge, M. Thumm, "Operation of the 118 GHz very long pulse Gyrotron for the ECRH experiment on Tore Supra", 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECE 2002), Aix-en-Provence, France, 13.-16. May, 2002
- M. Kuntze, G. Dammertz, E. Giguet, S. Illy, K. Koppenburg, G. LeCloarec, Y. LeGoff, W. Leonhardt, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, "Advanced high power gyrotrons, Conf. Record-Abstracts", 29th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2002), p.96, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002
- V. Erckmann, W7-X Teams IPP Garching, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart, "The 10 MW ECRH system for W7-X", Conf. Record-Abstracts, 29th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2002), p. 244, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002
- L. Feher, Hunyar, C., G. Link, P. Pozzo, M. Thumm, "Development of novel system technology for microwave processing of CFRP", Conf. Record-Abstracts, 29th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2002), p.246, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002
- R. Magne, C. Darbos, F. Bouquey, J. Clary, G. Giruzzi, M. Jung, M. Lennholm, T. Petit, D. Roux, J.L. Segui, X. Zou, E. Giguet, C. Liévin, S. Alberti, J.P. Hogge, M. Thumm, "Status of the ECRH system of Tore Supra, Conf. Record-Abstracts", 29th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2002), p.293, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002
- I. Ogawa, T. Idehara, S. Maeda, R. Pavlichenko, S. Mitsudo, D. Wagner, M. Thumm, "High purity mode operation of a gyrotron", Conf. Record-Abstracts, 29th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2002), p.295, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002
- C. Fischer, M. Younis, W. Wiesbeck, "Multistatic GPR data acquisition and imaging", Proc. of the International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2002, Toronto, Canada, 24.-28. June , 2002
- A. J. Gasiewski, C.S. Ruf, M. Younis, W. Wiesbeck, "Impacts of Mobile Radar and Telecommunications Systems on Earth Remote Sensing in the 22-27 GHz Range", Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. IGARSS'02, pp. 1679-1681, Toronto, Canada, June 2002
- H. Lentz, H.-M. Braun, M. Younis, C. Fischer, W. Wiesbeck, C. Mavrocordatos, "Concept and realization of an airborne SAR/interferometric radar altimeter system (ASIRAS)" , Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. IGARSS'02, pp. 3099-3101, Toronto, Canada, June 2002
- M. Younis, Christian Fischer, W. Wiesbeck, "An Evaluation of Performance Parameters of Reconfigurable SAR Systems", Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. IGARSS'02, pp. 677-679, Toronto, Canada, June 2002
- K. Koppenburg, A. Arnold, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, R. Heidinger, M.V. Kartikeyan, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "Design of a 1 MW multifrequency gyrotron at FZK", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 1, pp. 1-15, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, H. Budig, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, O. Dumbrajs, M.V. Kartikeyan, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "Coaxial cavity gyrotron - experimental results and data for a technical design", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 1, pp. 43-67, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- M. Thumm, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, S. Illy, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, W. Leonhardt, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, X. Yang, M.Q. Tran, G. Müller, E. Giguet, G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, C. Liévin, "Experimental results of the 140 GHz, 1 MW long-pulse gyrotron for W7-X", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 1,pp. 104-123Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- S. V. Usachev, V.E. Myasnikov, A.G. Litvak, L.G. Popov, M.V. Agapova, G.G. Denisov, A.A. Bogdashov, A.V. Chirkov, A. Ph. Gnedenkov, V.I. Ilyin, V.N. Ilyin, D.V. Khmara, A.N. Kostyna, A.N. Kuftin, V.K. Lygin, M.A. Moiseev, V.I. Malygin, V.O. Nichiporenko, V.E. Zapevalov, M. Thumm, "Development of 170 GHz gyrotron for ITER", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 1, pp. 124-135, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, I. Danilov, A. Meier, M. Thumm, "Low and high power studies on CVD diamond windows", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 1, pp. 161-198, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- N. Yu. Peskov, N.S. Ginzburg, A.S. Sergeev, M. Thumm, A.V. Arzhannikov, S.L. Sinitsky, P.V. Kalinin, "Experimental testing of planar 2-D Bragg gratings", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 2, pp. 59-78,Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- S.V. Samsonov, G.G. Denisov, V.L. Bratman, M.Yu. Glyavin, M. Thumm, "Preliminary experiments on Gyro-BWO with helically grooved waveguide", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 2, pp. 79-92, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- F. Leuterer, K. Kirov, F. Monaco, M. Münich, H. Schütz, F. Ryter, D. Wagner, R. Wilhelm, H. Zohm, T. Franke, K. Voigt, M. Weißgerber, W. Kasparek, G. Gantenbein, H. Hailer, G. Müller, M. Thumm, R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, K. Koppenburg, A. Bogdashov, G. Denisov, V. Kurbatov, A. Kuftin, A. Litvak, S. Malygin, E. Tai, V. Zapevalov, "The new ECRH system of ASDEX Upgrade", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 2, pp. 110-141, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- G. Michel, P. Brand, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, F. Hollmann, L. Jonitz, W. Kasparek, H.P. Laqua, W. Leonhardt, G. Müller, F. Purps, M. Schmid, T. Schulz, M. Thumm, "Progress of the 10 MW ECRH system for W7-X", Proc. 14th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, vol. 2, pp. 160-184, Nizhny Novgorod/Moscow, Russia, 2002
- M. Younis, C. Fischer, W. Wiesbeck, "An Evaluation of Performance Parameters of Software Defined Radar Sensors", Proc. European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar EUSAR´02, CD-ROM , Cologne, Germany, 4.-6. June 2002
- C. Fischer, M. Younis, W. Wiesbeck, "Fast Nonlinear Inversion For The Detection Of Anti-Personnel Mines With Multistatic Radar Systems", Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR 2002, Cologne, Germany, 4.–6. June 2002
- W. Wiesbeck, M. Younis, D. Löffler, "Design and Measurement of conformal Antennas", IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation AP-S/URSI Symposium S, pp. 84-87, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2002
- C. Waldschmidt, J.v. Hagen and W.Wiesbeck, "Influence and Modelling of Mutual Coupling in MIMO and Diversity Systems", IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation AP-S/URSI Symposium , pp. 190-193, San Antonio,Texas, USA, 2002
- Y.-J. Park, A. Herschlein, W. Wiesbeck, "Offset Cylindrical Feflector Antenna Fed by a Parallel-Plate Luneburg Lens for Automotive Radar Applications in mm-Wave", IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation AP-S/URSI Symposium, pp. 588 - 591, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 16.-21. June, 2002
- T. Fügen, J. v. Hagen und W. Wiesbeck, "Drahtlose Kommunikation im Fahrzeuginnenraum mit Bluetooth", Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (ATZ), S. 702-709, Juli/August, 2002
- G. Link, M. Thumm, "Detailed investigations in microwave sintering of ceramics by means of a dilatometer", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1.-9. August , 2002
- D. Didascalou, T. Schäfer and W. Wiesbeck,"Ray Tracing in curved confined spaces: A performance evaluation based on measurements", Radio Science, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 16-1 –16-10, 2002
- W. J. Lorenz, G. Staikov, W. Schindler and W. Wiesbeck,"The Role of Low-Dimensional Systems in Electrochemical Phase Formation and Dissolution Processes", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, no. 149, pp.. K47-K59, 2002
- T. Zwick , C. Fischer and W. Wiesbeck, "A Stochastic Multipath Channel Model Including Path Directions for Indoor Environments", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1178-1192, August 2002
- A. G. A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, M. Graswinckel, P. Hellingman, W. Kooijman, O.G. Kruijt, G.A.H. Maagdenberg, D.M.S. Ronden, J. Stakenborg,, A.B. Sterk, J. Tichler, F.C. Schüller, S. Alberti, M. Henderson, J.A. Hoekzema, J.W. Oosterbeek, A. Fernandez, K. Likin, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, S. Nowak, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, A. Kaye, C. Fleming, H. Zohm, C. Damiani, A. Guigon, J. Pamela, "The design of the JET-ECRH system and design considerations for ITER", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,1.-9. August , 2002
- G. Dammertz, A. Arnold, E. Borie, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, S. Illy, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Lievin, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, "Status of the 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for W7-X", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,1.-9. August , 2002
- V. L. Bratman, A.W. Cross, G.G. Denisov, M.Yu. Glyavin, W. He, A.G. Luchinin, V.K. Lygin, V.N. Manuilov, A.D. Phelps, S.V. Samsonov, M. Thumm, A.B. Volkov, "Broadband gyro-TWTs and Gyro-BWOs with helically grooved waveguides", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,1.-9. August , 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, H. Budig, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, O. Drumm, M.V. Kartikeyan, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "A 2 MW, CW coaxial cavity gyrotron. Experimental and technical conditions". 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,1.-9. August , 2002
- D. V. Kasyanenko, O.I. Louksha, B. Piosczyk, G.G. Sominski, M. Thumm, "Low-frequency parasitic oscillations in the 74.2 GHz moderate-power pulse gyrotron", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1.-9. August , 2002
- A. V. Arzhannikov, V.T. Astrelin, V.B. Bobylev, N.S. Ginzburg, V.G. Ivanenko, P.V. Kalinin, S.A. Kuznetsov, N.Yu. Peskov, V.P. Petrov, A.S. Sergeev, S.L. Sinitsky, V.D. Stepanov, M. Thumm, "Generation of powerful coherent radiation in single- and multi-modules planar FEMs with 2-D distributed feedback: results and prospects", 5th Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1.-9.August , 2002
- M. Younis, C. Waldschmidt, W. Wiesbeck, "A Closed Expression for the Maximum Unambiguous Angular Segment of Nonuniform Linear Arrays", Proc. XXVIIth General Asembly of the International Union of Radio Science URSI-GA'02, Maastricht, Netherlands, August 2002
- M. Liebler, S. Ginter, T. Dreyer, and R.E. Riedlinger, "Nonlinear FDTD-Modeling of Ultrasound Thermotherapy Including Temperature Dependent Tissue Parameters", in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics,19.-23. August, Moscow, Russia, 2002
- T. Fügen, G. Sommerkorn, J. Maurer, D. Hampicke, W. Wiesbeck and R. Thomä, "MIMO capacities for different antenna arrangements based on double directional wide-band channel measurements", The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC 2002, vol. 4, pp. 1777-1781, Lisboa, Portugal, Sept., 2002
- E. Borie, A. Arnold, Dammertz, G., O. Drumm, S. Illy, M.V. Kartikeyan, K. Koppenburg, B. Piosczyk, X. Yang, Thumm, M., "A multifrequency step-tunable gyrotron at FZK", 2nd Int. Workshop on Far Infrared Technology, Fukui, Japan, September 12-13, 2002
- E. Borie, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, S. Illy, K. Koppenburg, W. Leonhardt, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, E. Giguet, G. LeCloarec, Y. LeGoff, C. Lievin, V. Erckmann, G. Michel, S. Alberti, M.Q. Tran, W. Kasparek, G. Müller, "Development of a high-power, CW gyrotron for the W7-X stellarator", 2nd Int. Workshop on Far Infrared Technology, Fukui, Japan, 12.-13. September, 2002
- C. Fischer and W. Wiesbeck, "Multistatic antenna configurations and image processing for mine-detection GPR", Proc. of the 3rd De-mining Technology Information Forum (DTIF) Workshop, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy,23.-24. Sept., 2002
- W. Sörgel, J. Haala, W. Wiesbeck, "An FDTD Absorber Model with Wide Band Frequency Response", International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 2, pp. 693-696, Sept., 2002
- A. Herschlein, M.A. Baldauf, W. Sörgel, W. Wiesbeck, "Protective Distances in Mobile Communication", European Microwave Conference 2002, pp. 453 - 456, Milan, Italy, Sept. 2002
- C. Waldschmidt and W.Wiesbeck, "Limitations of Smart Antennas for the Next Generation of Wireless Systems", European Conference on Wireless Technology, vol. 0, pp. 23-26, Milan, Italy, 2002
- G. Fischer, F.Pivit and W.Wiesbeck, "EISL, the pendant to EIRP, a measure for the receive sensitivity of base stations at the air interface", European Microwave Conference, vol. 1, pp. 429-433, Milan, Italy, Sept. 2002
- Y. Venot, W. Wiesbeck, "Nearfield mm-Wave Sensor Processing", Proc. 32nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2002, vol. 1, pp. 243-246, Milano, Italy, September 23-27, 2002
- C. Fischer, M. Younis, W. Wiesbeck, "Mine Detection Radar: Antenna Configurations and Scan-Strategies", Proc. of the German Radar Symposium, GRS 2002, Bonn, Germany, 3.-5. Sept. 2002
- M. Younis, C. Fischer, W. Wiesbeck, "Digital Beam Forming On-Receive-Only for Radar Applications", Proc. German Radar Symposium GRS 2002, pp. 213-217, Bonn, Germany, September 2002
- D. Hampicke, M. Landmann, C. Schneider, G. Sommerkorn, R. Thomä, T. Fügen, J. Maurer and W. Wiesbeck, "MIMO capacities for different antenna array structures based on double directional wide-band channel measurements," Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC Fall 2002, IEEE 56th, vol. 1, pp. 180-184, Vancouver, Canada, 24.-28. Sept. 2002
- T. M. Schäfer, J. Maurer, W. Wiesbeck "Measurement and Simulation of Radio Wave Propagation in Hospitals" 2002 IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 24.-28. Sept. 2002
- C. Waldschmidt, S. Schulteis and W. Wiesbeck, "Pattern and Polarization Diversity in MIMO-Systems", IEEE International Symposium on Advances in Wireless Communications, pp. 11-12Victoria, Canada, Sept. 2002
- C. Waldschmidt, J. v. Hagen and W. Wiesbeck"Wave propagation in Confined Spaces", 2002 IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology ConferenceVTC Fall 2002, Vancouver, 24.-28. Canada, 2002
- R. Schertlen, F. Pivit and W. Wiesbeck, "Wound Diagnostics with Microwaves", 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) im VDE, pp. 672-673, vol 47-1, no 2, 2002
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, E. Borie, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet,
- R. Heidinger, J.P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, H.P. Laqua,
- G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Lievin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, K. Schwoerer, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, "Progress of the 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW Gyrotron for W7-X", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp.3-4, San Diego, USA, 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, H. Budig, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, O. Drumm, M.V. Kartikeyan, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "Experimental results and technical requirements for a 2 MW, CW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 7-8, San Diego, 2002
- M. V. Kartikeyan, E. Borie, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, "A 42 GHz, 200 kW second harmonic gyrotron", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 39-40, San Diego, USA, 2002
- K. Koppenburg, A. Arnold, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, M.V. Kartikeyan, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "Design of a multifrequency high power gyrotron at FZK", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp.153-154, San Diego, USA, 2002
- X. Yang, B. Piosczyk, D. Wagner, E. Borie, R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, M. Thumm, "Analysis of transmission characteristics for single and double disk windows", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 157-158, San Diego, USA, 2002
- A. G. A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, M. Graswinckel, P. Hellingman, W. Kooijman, O.G. Kruijt, G.A.H. Maagdenberg, D.M.S. Ronden, J. Stakenborg, A.B. Sterk, J. Tichler, S. Alberti, M. Henderson, J.A. Hoekzema, J.W. Oosterbeck, A. Fernandez, K. Likin, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, S. Novak, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, A. Kaye, C. Fleming, H. Zohm,J. Paméla, "Design of an ECRH system on JET", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 183-184, San Diego, USA, 2002
- O. Drumm, G. Dammertz, M. Thumm, "Design methods for mirrors in a quasi-optical mode converter for a frequency step-tunable gyrotron", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 191-192, San Diego, USA, 2002
- A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, D. Wagner, M. Thumm, "Measurements on a mode generator for cold tests of step-tunable gyrotrons", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 298-290, San Diego, USA, 2002
- I. Ogawa, T. Idehara, Y. Iwata, R. Pavlichenko, S. Mitsudo, D. Wagner, M. Thumm, "High quality operation of high frequency gyrotron", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 293-294, San Diego, USA, 2002
- D. Wagner, M. Thumm, A. Arnold, "Mode generator for the cold test of step-tunable gyrotrons", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,pp. 303-304, San Diego, USA, 2002
- M. Thumm, "Progress in gyrotron development", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept. , 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, H. Budig, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, O. Drumm, M.V. Kartikeyan, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, X. Yang, "Towards a 2 MW, CW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept. , 2002
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, D. Fasel, E. Giguet, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Lievin, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, A. Sterk, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, A.G.A. Verhoeven, "Power modulation capabilities of the 140 GHz/1 MW gyrotron for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- C. Darbos, S. Alberti, F. Bouquey, J. Clary, E. Giguet, G. Giruzzi, M. Jung, M. Lennholm, C. Liévin, R. Magne, T. Petit, D. Roux, J.L. Segui, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, X. Zou, "Very long pulse operation of the Tore Supra ECRH system", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- F. Leuterer, K. Kirov, F. Monaco, M. Münich, H. Schütz, F. Ryter, D. Wagner, R. Wilhelm, H. Zohm, T. Franke, K. Voigt, M. Thumm, R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, K. Koppenburg, W. Kasparek, G. Gantenbein, H. Hailer, G.A. Müller, A. Bogdashov, G. Denisov, V. Kurbatov, A. Kuftin, A. Litvak, S. Malygin, E. Tai, V. Zapevalov, "Plans for a new ECRH system at ASDEX Upgrade", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- C. Lievin, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, E. Giguet,
- R. Heidinger, J.P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, H. Laqua, G. Le Cloarec, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, "Status of the 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for W7-X", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- X. Yang, B. Piosczyk, R. Heidinger, M. Thumm, "A double disk window for the JET EP ECRH system", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- H. Hailer, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, F. Hollmann, W. Kasparek, W. Leonhardt, M. Schmid, P.G. Schüller, M. Thumm, M. Weissgerber, "Mirror development for the 140 GHz ECRH system of the stellarator W7-X", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- A.G.A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, M. Graswinckel, P. Hellingman, W. Kooijman, O.G. Kruijt, J. Maagdenberg, D. Ronden, J. Stakenborg, A.B. Sterk, J. Tichler, S. Alberti, T. Goodman, M. Henderson, J.A. Hoekzema, J.W. Oosterbeek, A. Fernandez, K. Likin, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, S. Novak, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, H. Bindslev, A. Kaye, C. Fleming, H. Zohm, "The design of the ECRH system for JET", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. Sept., 2002
- R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, M. Thumm, "Material studies on diamond windows for high power EC wave transmission", 22nd Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Helsinki, SF, 9.-13. September , 2002
- M. Thumm, G. Dammertz, I. Danilov, R. Heidinger, A. Meier, "Low and high power experiments on CVD-diamond windows for ECRH", 6th ECH Transmission Line Workshop, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, 19.-20. Sept., 2002
- G. Link, M. Thumm, "Dilatometer system with hybrid heating technique for detailed investigations on sintering of ceramics", Proc. 3rd World Congress on Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications, Sydney, Australia, 22.-26. Sept., 2002
- L. Feher, M. Thumm, "HEPHAISTOS – Development of a novel automated microwave processing system for carbon reinforced fibre plastics (CFRP)", Proc. 3rd World Congress on Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications, Sydney, Australia, 22.-26. Sept., 2002
- M. A. Baldauf, A. Herschlein, W. Sörgel, W. Wiesbeck, "Safety Distances in Mobile Communications", Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, pp. 148156, Rhodes, Greece, Oct. 2002
- M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, "Passive high-power microwave components", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Oct. 2002
- B. Piosczyk, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, M. Kuntze, M. Thumm, "Coaxial cavity gyrotron - recent experimental results for special issue on high power microwave generation", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Oct. 2002
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, E. Borie, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, H.P. Laqua, G. LeCloarec, Y. LeGoff, W. Leonhardt, C. Lievin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran,"Development of a 140 GHz, 1 MW, continuous wave gyrotron for the W7-X stellarator", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Oct. 2002
- M. Kuntze, S. Alberti, G. Dammertz, E. Giguet, S. Illy, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, G. LeCloarec, Y. LeGoff, W. Leonhardt, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran" Advanced high power gyrotrons", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Oct 2002
- R. Heidinger, G. Dammertz, A. Meier, M. Thumm,"CVD diamond windows studied with low and high power millimeter waves", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Oct. 2002
- T. J. Jackson, A. J. Gasieswski, A. Oldak, M. Klein, E. G. Njoku, A. Yevgrafov, S. Christiani, R. Bindlish, "Soil Moisture Retrieval Using the C-Band Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer During the Southern Great Plains 1999 Experiment", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 40, no.10, Oct. 2002
- T. Dreyer, R. Riedlinger, "Modeling the pressure pulse shape of piezoelectric lithotripters", JASA, vol. 112, no. 5, p. 2290, Nov. 2002
- R. Heidinger, M. Rohde, G. Dammertz, M. Thumm, "Material issues of windows for electron cyclotron wave systems", 15th Topical Meeting on Technology of Fusion Energy, Washington D.C., USA, 17.-21. Nov., 2002
- M. C. Gimenez, M. G.Popolo, E. P. Leiva, S. G. Garcia, D. R. Salinas, C. E. Mayer, W. J. Lorenz, "Theoretical Considerations of Electrochemical Phase Formation for an Ideal Frank-van der Merwe System", Journal of the Electrochemical Society,pp. E109-E115, vol. 149, 2002
- G. Link, L. Feher and M. Thumm,"Investigations on millimeter-wave processing of ceramics at the Research Center karlsruhe", Porc. Int. Symposium on Microwave Science and its Applications to related Fields", pp. 22-23, Nara, Japan, 2002
- G. Link, L. Feher and M. Thumm, "Activities on mm-wave processing of ceramics at the Research Center Karlsruhe", proc. Post-International Symposium on Microwave Science, pp. 5-14,, Takamatsu, Japan 2002
- M. V. Kartikeyan, A. K. Sinha, M. Thumm, "Equivalent circuit parameters for non-azimuthally symmetric fast modes of helix loaded waveguides", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp. 375-379, 2002
- M. Thumm, "Free electron masers vs. gyrotrons: prospect for high-power sources at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths", Nuclear Instruments & Methods iin Physics Research, pp. 194-196, 2002
- T. Idehara, S. Ogawa, S. Maeda, R. Pavlinchenko, S. Mitsudo, D. Wagner, M. Thumm, "Observation of mode patterns for high purity mode operation in the submillimeter wave gyrotron FU VA", Int. Journal on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 973-980, 2002
- T. Lopetegi, M.A.G. Laso, M.J. Erro, M. Sorella, M. Thumm, "Analysis and design of periodic structures for microstrip lines by using the coupled mode theory", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, pp. 441-443, 2000.