Microwave Laboratory I / Mikrowellenlabor I

  • Typ: Laboratory (Praktikum)
  • Lehrstuhl: IHE
  • Semester: Bachelor/Master
  • Dozent:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Zwick
    M.Sc. Sevda Abadpour

  • SWS: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • LVNr.: 2308423
  • Prüfung:

    written/oral before each experiment (duration approx. 20 mins)

  • Hinweis:

    2 students per group (maximum seats 12, selection based on first come first serve basis)


** The lab has been offered in SS 2020 for the last time. The alternative labratoray will be "Praktikum Mikrowellentechnikfor master students and "Workshop angewandte Hochfrequenztechnikfor bachelor students.




The Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE) is glad to offer Microwave Laboratory I course for students in the coming summer semester 2020. The students can attain 4 SWS/6 ECTS upon successful completion of the laboratory course. The laboratory provides a unique opportunity to the students for strengthening their practical knowledge of RF systems and learning basic RF measurement techniques. The course consists of 4 experiments in total and each experiment is divided into 2 afternoons (4 hours each). The experiments range from wave propagation over single RF circuit to a complete radar system and each of these experiments is accompanied with either design and simulation using tools like ADS, Matlab etc or using state-of-the-art measurement equipment like spectrum analyzer, network analyzer etc.

Guidelines for Students

The Students will be divided into groups of 2 students per group and the group allocation will be finalized by the laboratory supervisor on the laboratory introduction day on 21.04.2020 in Room no. 1.31, IHE Building 30.10. Only those students who are present on the laboratory introduction day will be finally registered for participation in this course. The group plan and laboratory schedule will be uploaded on this webpage on the same day. The students should check the laboratory schedule and find the order of experiments allocated to their specific group. Each experiment is accompanied with a script (available on this webpage) which will help students in reviewing the key concepts involved in that particular experiment.

The first experiment will take place on 28.04.2020. The venue will be updated soon.

Laboratory Evaluation

For successful completion of this laboratory course, it is mandatory for each student to

  1. Submit the laboratory homework (individual submission) before starting the experiment
  2. Score at least min. passing mark in the written/oral test conducted before every experiment. If a student fails to pass the test, he/she will not be allowed to conduct the experiment. In this case they should fix a new appointment with the experiment supervisor, re-appear for the test.
  3. Submission of experiment protocol (one protocol per group) at the end of each experiment.
  4. Submit MATLAB homework (individual submission) to Ms. Sevda Abadpour in Room 3.28, Bldg. 30.10 on 28.04.2020.



The students should have basic knowledge of RF concepts and minimum level MATLAB programming skills for undertaking the laboratory.



If your student account is managed under the CAS Campus system, then you should enroll yourself in https://campus.studium.kit.edu/ for Microwave Laboratory SS 2020. If your student account is managed under the HIS-POS system, then you should collect the „Zulassungsbescheinigung“ (Blue Sheet) from HPA/MPA (Bldg. 30.36, Room No. 208) and submit it to (Bldg. 30.10, Room 3.28).

Start date: 14.03.2020

End date: 31.03.2020

Please note that we have limited places available in the Laboratory (max. 12) and therefore only the first 12 Students who enroll themselves either in https://campus.studium.kit.edu/ or by submitting the blue sheet will be registered for participation in the Laboratory.



A brief introduction of the laboratory will be given on 21.04.2020, at 14:00 hrs in Room 1.31, IHE building 30.10.

Attending the introduction is compulsory for all the students. If you fail to attend the introduction on 21.04.2020, your place will be given to the next student in our waiting list.


Groups 2020


Matlab exercise

Since matlab skills are one important precondition for the different experiments, the processing of the following matlab homework is mandatory for each participant! The processed homework should be submitted to Ms. Sevda Abadpour in Room 3.28, Bldg. 30.10 on 28.04.2020.


0. Matlab homework (pdf)



1. Measuring planar waveguides modes and standing waves (pdf)


Venue: IHE, building 30.34 , room 1.11

In this part of the laboratory, the field strength of the first propagating mode in planar waveguides is measured for different conditions combining theory with hands-on experiences


2. Wave Propagation and Network Planning (pdf)


Venue: IHE, building 30.10, room 1.18

In this course a hands-on introduction to radio channel description, modelling and cellular network planning is given.

The lab session will take place in IHE, building 30.10, room 1.18. Students are required to prepare themselves adequately before each lab session and to hand in their homework (theoretical part 4.1.1 of part II) before the second lab session (one copy per person). A written test will take place after the second lab session.


3. Microwave and RF Measurements: Characterization of a Microwave Transceiver (Script, Homework)

Supervisor: Sevda Abadpour

Venue: Room 1.18, IHE building 30.10

The aim of this course is to understand the functionality of microwave measurement equipment such as signal generators, spectrum analyzers and vector network analyzers, as well as to learn the handling of this equipment. During the two exercises these microwave measurement instruments are used to characterize microwave devices such as amplifiers, mixers, filters, oscillators and a full transceiver circuit.

During the preparation phase for this laboratory exercise please solve the following home work (pdf). You will be asked to show the solution to your supervisor before starting the laboratory.





4. Microwave FMCW Radar (pdf)




Venue: Building 30.10

In this experiment, you are able to familiarize with a 24 GHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Rader, which is nowadays widely applied in civil applications (Automotive radar, radar altimeter and etc.) and military applications (air surveillance, landmines detection and etc.). During this experiment the performance of this type of radar, regarding range detection, range resolution, velocity detection are investigated.
