Publications 1993
- D.J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "Modellierung der Wellenausbreitung in urbanem Gelände", Frequenz, Band 47, no. 1/2, pp. 2-11, 1993
- D.J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, "A new non-heuristic wave propagation model for urban macro cells", COST-231 TD(93) 32, Barcelona, Spain, Jan. 19-22, 1993
- D.J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "Polarimetric aspects in antenna related superposition of multipath signals", Eighth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation ICAP'93, pp. 80-83, Edinburgh, UK, March 30 - April 2, 1993
- F. Rostan, G. Gottwald, E. Heidrich, "Wideband aperture-coupled microstrip patch array for satellite TV reception", Eighth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation ICAP'93, pp. 190-193, Edinburgh, UK, March 30 - April 2, 1993
- G. Gottwald, W. Wiesbeck, "Influence of mutual coupling and feed network on directivity and gain", Eighth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation ICAP'93, pp. 761-763, Edinburgh, UK, March 30 - April 2, 1993
- Th. Kürner, D.J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Wideband characterisation of personal communication networks by propagation models", Eigth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation ICAP'93, pp. 865-868, Edinburgh, UK, March 30 - April 2, 1993
- R.M. Jha, D.J. Edwards, W. Wiesbeck, "UTD analysis of the hyperoloic cylinders for applications to on board aircraft antennas", Eighth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation ICAP'93, pp. 959-962, Edinburgh, UK, March 30 - April 2, 1993
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, "Mehrlagige planare Antennenarrays für breitbandige Anwendungen", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 39-43, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- E. Pillai, F. Rostan, W. Wiesbeck, "Entwicklung äquivalenter Ersatzschaltbilder für Durchkontaktierung im Frequenzbereich 1 - 20 GHz, Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 307-311, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- E. Pillai, E. Rostan, W. Wiesbeck, "The effects of inhomogenious substrates on high speed digital signal transmission", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 383-387, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- D.J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "Adaptive wave propagation models for cellular mobile communication systems", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 186-190, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- Th. Kürner, D.J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Mikrowellenausbreitungsmodelle zur breitbandigen Funkkanalcharakterisierung", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 181-185, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- B. Zimmermann, J. Kehrbeck, W. Wiesbeck, A. Tscherner, "Neuartiger Nah-bereichs-FM-CW-Radar-Sensor bei 24 GHz", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 409-413, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- J. Kehrbeck, E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Planares Mikrowellen Front-End zur berührungslosen Geschwindigkeitsmessung in Kraftfahrzeugen", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 610-614, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- Ch. Bornkessel, H. Uhlmann, "Einfluß von Kammerasymmetrien auf die elektromagnetische Feldverteilung in EMV-Absorberkammern", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 439-443, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- H.-U. Nickel, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, G. Gantenbein, M. Kuntze, A. Möbius, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Development of a 0.5 MW/140 GHz gyrotron oscillator for fusion plasma applications", Proc. Mikrowellen und Optronik MIOP'93 International Conference, pp. 423-427, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 24-26, 1993
- D. J. Cichon, N. Geng, "On polarimetry in multipath radio links," COST-231 TD (93) 82, Grimstad, Norway, May 25-28, 1993
- N. Geng, D. J. Cichon, "Prediction of the envelope correlation coefficient between diversity channels in mobile radio systems," COST-231 TD (93) 83 ,Grimstad, Norway, May 25-28, 1993
- T. Kürner, D. J. Cichon, "Comments on the COST-231 document (93)6: Comparison between different path loss prediction models," COST-231 TD (93) 81, Grimstad, Norway, May 25-28, 1993
- D. Hollmann, S. Haffa, F. Rostan, W. Wiesbeck, "The introduction of surface resistance in the three-dimensional finite-difference method in frequency domain", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 893-895, May 1993
- E. Pillai, F. Rostan, W. Wiesbeck, "Derivation of equivalent circuits for via holes from full wave models", IEE Electonics Letters, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1026-1028, May 1993
- A. Froese, R. Speck, W. Wiesbeck, D. Kurzeja, M. Nold, M. Ebert, G. Staikov, W. Lorenz, M. Breiter, "Low- and high-frequency conductivities of RbAg4I5 and Agb"-alumina at low temperatures", Solid State Ionics - Diffusion & Reactions, Solid State Ionics 66(1993), North Holland, pp. 113-129
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Computer-aided design and measurement of planar microstrip antennas", TEMPUS Workshop on Computer Aided Methods and Technical Management in Electrical Engineering Education, Budapest, Hungary, June 16-18, 1993
- N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, "Simulation of radio relay link performance and diversity improvement parameters using a deterministic 3D wave propagation model", COST-235 CP 159, Visby, Sweden, June 1993
- D.J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "A new wave propagation model for urban and suburban macro cellular coverage prediction", Proc. IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium AP'93, pp. 1073-1076, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June 28 - July 2, 1993
- D.J. Cichon, K. Schmitt, "On multipath polarimetry in communication systems", Proc. IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium AP'93, pp. 1284-1287, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June 28 - July 2, 1993
- T. Kürner, "Charakterisierung digitaler Funksysteme mit einem breitbandigen Wellenausbreitungsmodell", Forschungsbericht aus dem Institut für Höchst-frequenztechnik und Elektronik der Universität Karlsruhe, Band 3, (Dissertation), ISSN 0942-2935, July 5, 1993
- E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Extension of the polarisation scattering matrix concept to antennas as scatterers and radiator", PIERS-93, p. 384, JPL, Pasadena, USA, July 1993
- R. M. Jha, S. A. Borkhai, W. Wiesbeck, "A novel ray tracing on general paraboloids of revolution for UTD applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 934-939, July 1993
- Th. Kürner, D.J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Concepts and results for 3D digital terrain based wave propagation models - an overview", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1002-1012, 1993
- D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "3D wave propagation models for coverage prediction and radio channel characterization in communication systems," Proc. U.R.S.I. XXIV General Assembly, p. 558, Kyoto, Japan, August 25- September 2, 1993
- D. J. Cichon, W. Wiesbeck, "Polarimetry and diversity in mobile communication systems," Proc. U.R.S.I. XXIV General Assembly, p. 562, Kyoto, Japan, August 25- September 2, 1993
- F. Rostan, E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Design of aperture-coupled patch antenna arrays with multiple dielectric layers", Proc. of the 23rd European Microwave Conference EuMC «93, pp. 917-919, Madrid, Spain, Sept. 6-9, 1993
- Th. Kürner, D.J. Cichon, T. Becker, "A receiver near range model for forested and urban areas", COST-231 TD(93) , Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 7-10, 1993
- D. J. Cichon, Th. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "Mobile radio wave propagation models for coverage prediction and radio channel characterization," Proc. IEEE International Conference PIMRC«93, pp. 196-200, Yokohama, Japan, September 9-11, 1993
- E. Heidrich, W. Wiesbeck, "Radarsignaturen von Antennen", Proc. of the 8. DGON- Radarsymposium, pp. 342-347, Neubiberg, Sept. 14-16, 1993
- E. Heidrich, F. Rostan, R. Zahn, "Dual polarised microstrip array for spaceborne SAR-application", Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Electromagnetics in Aerospace Applications ICEAA «93, pp. 423-426, Torino, Italy, Sept. 14-17, 1993
- N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, D. Hollmann, "Characterization of dielectric resonators - a comparision of different numerical methods", Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Electromagnetics in Aerospace Applications ICEAA «93, pp. 167-170, Torino, Italy, Sept. 14-17, 1993
- Ch. Bornkessel, E. Heidrich, "Prediction and evaluation of anechoic chamber performance", A.M.T.A. 15th Annual Meeting and Symposium, pp. 379-384, Dallas, Texas, USA, Oct. 4-8, 1993
- N. Geng, W. Wiesbeck, "Simulation of radio relay link performance using a deterministic 3D wave propagation model", Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Radio Relay Systems, Edinburgh, UK, Oct. 11-14, 1993
- K. Jüttner, W. Wiesbeck, G. Staikov, W. J. Lorenz, "From UPD adlyers to electrodeposited thin films -an atomistic view-", Proc. of the International Conference on Surface Structure and Electrochemical Reactivity, Ulm, Germany, Oct. 11-15, 1993
- D. J. Cichon, T. Kürner, W. Wiesbeck, "3D ray optical propagation modelling in rural and urban environments and derived radio channel characterization," Proc. of the 3rd ESA European Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Computational Electromagnetics, pp. 344-349, Pisa, Italy, Oct. 26-28, 1993
- Ch. Bornkessel, W. Wiesbeck, "Evaluation of anechoic chamber performance by numerical field computation", Proc. of the 3rd ESA European Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Computational Electromagnetics, pp. 243-246, Pisa, Italy, Oct. 26-28, 1993
- E. Pillai, Ch. Bornkessel, W. Wiesbeck, "FDTD modelling of wirebond interconnects", Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Discrete Time Domain Modelling of Electromagnetic Fields and Networks, pp. 243-246, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 28-29, 1993
- H.-J. Blasberg, H.-U. Frehr, Dirk Hormann et al. (eds.), "Produktentwicklung und Qualitätsmanagement", ISBN 3-8007-1528-7, 138 pages, vde-verlag gmbh, Berlin, Offenbach, 1993
- J. Kehrbeck,"Mikrowellen-Doppler-Sensor zur Geschwindigkeits- und Wegmessung - System-Modellierung und Verifikation", Dissertation, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 1993
- Ch. Bornkessel, "Analyse und Optimierung der elektrodynamischen Eigenschaften von EMV-Absorberkammern durch numerische Feldberechnung", Dissertation, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 1993
- Piosczyk, B., M. Kuntze, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, G. Gantenbein, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, "Development of high power 140 GHz gyrotrons at KfK for applications in fusion", Fusion Technology 1992, eds. C. Ferro, M. Gasparotto, H. Knoepfel. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,pp. 618-622, 1993
- M. Thumm, "Progress in the development of high-power millimeter- and sub-millimeter wave gyrotrons and of free electron masers", Archiv für Elektrotechnik 77, 51-55 ( 1993)
- A. Möbius, M. Thumm, "Gyrotron output launchers and output tapers" in Gyrotron Oscillators - Their Principles and Practice, C. Edgcombe, ed., Taylor & Francis, chapter 7, pp.179-222, London, l993
- G. Gantenbein, M. Thumm, "Experimental perfomance of 140 GHz gyrotrons", in Gyrotron Oscillators - Their Principles and Practice, C. Edgcombe, ed., Taylor & Francis, chapter 8, pp. 223-255, London, 1993
- H.-U. Nickel, Geist, T., "Diagnostics and instrumentation for millimetre-wave gyrotrons" in Gyrotron Oscillators - Their Principles and Practice, C. Edgombe, ed., Taylor & Francis, chapter 12, pp.327-364, London, 1993
- M. Thumm, "High-power microwave transmission systems, external mode converters and antenna technology", in Gyrotron Oscillators - Their Principles and Practice, C. Edgcombe, ed., Taylor & Francis, chapter13, pp. 365-401, London, 1993,
- H.-U. Nickel, H. Massler, M. Thumm, "Broadband windows for high-power millimeter waves - Developments at KfK and considerations for the FOM-Fusion-FEM", Proc. 3rd Workshop on FEM-Millimeter Waves, pp.217-256, Nieuwegein, Netherlands, 1993
- H.-U. Nickel, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, G. Gantenbein, M. Kuntze, A.Möbius, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Development of a 0.5 MW/ 140 GHz gyrotron oscillator for fusion plasma applications", Proc. 7th Conf. on Microwaves and Optronics (MIOP '93), pp. 423-427, Sindelfingen, Germany, 1993
- M. Thumm, B. Piosczyk: "Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung von Hochleistungs-Millimeter- und Submillimeter-Wellen Gyrotrons und von Frei-Elektronen-Masern", ITG (VDE)-Workshop: Terahertz/Submillimeter-Wave-Technology, Paper 11, Sindelfingen, Germany, 1993
- M. Kuntze, G. Gantenbein, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, M.Thumm: "Frequency step-tunable 0.5 MW, 140 GHz gyrotron for fusion plasma applications", Proc. 20th IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science, Contributed Paper 5D1, Vancouver, 1993
- W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, V. Erckmann, T Geist,H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm,A.A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Ilin, I.N. Roy, G.G. Denisov, V.I. Hiznyak, A.N. Kuftin, V.I. Malygin, V.E. Zapevalov, S.D. Bogdanov, V.I. Kurbatov, S.A. Malygin, V.B. Orlov: "Overview on W7-AS results with 140 and 70 GHz", Proc. 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp.111-140, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993
- W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, V. Erckmann, T Geist, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, A.A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Ilin, I.N. Roy, G.G. Denisov, V.I. Hiznyak, A.N. Kuftin, V.I. Malygin, V.E. Zapevalov, S.D. Bogdanov, V.I. Kurbatov, S.A. Malygin, V.B. Orlov, "Experimental experience with the quasi-optical ECRH transmission systems on W7-AS and recent developments", Proc. 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp.289-306, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993
- G. Gantenbein, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, M. Kuntze, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, M.Thumm: "Frequency step-tunable 0.5 MW, 140 Ghz TEn,4 gyrotron (n=9,10,11)", Proc. 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp.375-388, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993
- H.-U. Nickel, H. Massler, M. Thumm, "Broadband windows for gyrotrons and other sources of high-power millimeter waves", Proc 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 457-478, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993,
- A. Möbius, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, "Compact quasi-optical TE22,6 to TEM00 converter with feed waveguide deformations", Proc. 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp.545-553, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993
- D. Wagner,J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, "Design of coaxial gyrotron cavities using a scattering matrix code", Proc. 5th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp.555-565, Garching - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe, 1993
- A.G.A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, Pl Mantintveld, F.C. Schüller, A. Tulupov, M.J. van der Wiel, W.H. Urbanus, V. L. Bratman, G.G. Denisov, A.V. Savilov, M.Yu. Shemelyov, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, J. Pretterebner, D. Wagner, M. Caplan, C. Shang, "The FOM-FUSION-FEM as a tunable ECRH source", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Invited Paper S5, Nizhny Novgorod, 1993
- M. Thumm, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, G. Gantenbein, M. Kuntze, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Piosczyk, A. Wien, "Development of high-power 140 GHz gyrotrons for fusion Plasma applicatons", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Invited Paper S8, Nizhny Novgorod, 1993
- O. Dumbrajs, M. Thumm, "Mode selection, magnetic field tapering, and resonator design for an industrial gyrotron", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Contributed Paper S18, Nizhny Novgrorod, 1993
- G.G. Denisov, V. Erckmann, A.A. Fraiman, T. Geist, E. Holzhauer, V.N. Isaev, W. Kasparek, A. G. Litvak, LV. Lubyako, G.A. Müller, H.-U. Nickel, P.G. Schüller, O.B. Smolyakova, E.V. Suvorov, M. Thumm, "Collective scattering of powerful gyrotron radiation at W7-AS", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Contributed Paper H19, Nizhny Novgrorod, 1993
- M. Thumm, "Progress in development of high power gyrotrons", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp.6-7, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- A.G.A. Verhoeven, W.A. Bongers, B.S.Q. Elzendoorn, A.M. van Ingen, P. Manintveld, A. Tulupov, M.J. van der Wiel, W.H. Urbanus, V.L. Bratman, G.G. Denisov, A.V. Savilov, M.YU. Shmelyov, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, J. Pretterebner, D. Wagner, C. Shang, M. Caplan, "Status of the design of the 200 GHz FOM-Fusion-FEM", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 19-20, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- H.-U. Nickel, H. Massler, M. Thumm, "Development of broadband vacuum windows for high-power millimeter wave systems", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 172-173, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- C.C. Shang, M. Caplan, H.-U. Nickel, M. Thumm, "Electrical analysis of wideband and distributed windows using time-dependent field codes", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPEI 2104, pp. 178-179, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- J. Pretterebner, A. Möbius, M. Thumm, A. Wien, "Compact quasi-optical TE22-6 to TEM00 converter with feed waveguide deformations", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp.322-323, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- D. Wagner, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, "Mode coupling in overmoded, varying radius coaxial gyrotron cavities", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 326-327, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- K. Xu, M. Thumm, "Advanced complex cavity for multi-megawatt gyrotron", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 332-333, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- D. Wagner, J. Pretterebner, M. Thumm, "Transverse resonances in oversized waveguides", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 422-423, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- E. Borie, G. Dammertz, G. Gantenbein, M. Kuntze, A. Möbius, H.-U. Nickel, B. Pioscyk, M. Thumm, "0.5 MW/140 GHz TE10,4 Gyrotron with built-in highly efficient quasi-optical converter", 18th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE 2104, pp. 519-520, Colchester (Essex, UK), 1993
- M. Thumm, "Recent advanced technology in electron cyclotron heating systems", Proc. 5th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-5) - Physics and Technology of Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Invited Paper 17-I-1, Toki, Japan, 1993
- G. Gantenbein, "Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Leistungsgyrotrons mit asymetrischen Moden hoher Ordnung", (Dissertation), Universität Karlsruhe, IHE, June 15.,1993
- A. Quellmaltz, "Graphenorientierte Planung von Sendernetzen", (Dissertation) Universität Karlsruhe, IHE, July 07.,1993
- V. Ziegler, "Radarpolarimetrische Verfahren zur erd- und satellitengestützten Niederschlagserkundung", (Dissertation) Universität Karlsruhe, IHE, Oct. 19.,1993