Welcome to IHE

Luftbild des IHE-GebäudesJoachim Hebeler

The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) is an institute within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the division III - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The mission of the IHE is to perform research from basic microwave technologies and systems to industrial applications. Our dream is to explore new technologies and finally help bringing them into commercial products. We are working with research grants from DFG, EU, BMBF, BMWi, AIF, ESA, DLR in cooperation with industry. Our teaching combines the relevant theory with modern technologies and state-of-the-art tools. In our laboratories and workshops, the experimental needs of excellent research and teaching are satisfied by modern high-tech equipment.

The IHE is under the cooperative management of



Selina Eckel at the University of Rostock

The group of Prof. Björn Corzilius invited Selina Eckel for a talk in their physical chemistry seminar at the University of Rostock last week. She presented her recent results on the development of a broadband on-chip transmission-based EPR spectrometer. The group gave Selina an interesting lab tour which included their benchtop EPR spectrometer and 400 MHz/263 GHz DNP system, and they discussed possible collaborations.


Outstanding Service Award 2024 der Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society des IEEE für Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Werner Wiesbeck

In Anerkennung seiner herausragenden Verdienste um das Wohl und den Fortschritt der Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society des IEEE wurde Prof. Werner Wiesbeck am 10.7.2024 mit dem Outstanding Service Award der Society ausgezeichnet.

Promotion Aksoyakprivat
Promotion von Ibrahim Aksoyak

M.Sc. Ibrahim Aksoyak hat am 28.05.2024 seine Promotionsprüfung bestanden.

Alle Mitarbeiter des IHE gratulieren herzlichst.

Dr.-Ing. Akanksha Bhutani Achieves IEEE Senior Membership

We are pleased to inform you that Dr.-Ing. Akanksha Bhutani has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.

Preisübergabe M. Möck
IEEE Radio & Wireless Week 2024 - Best Paper Award für Matthias Möck

Das IHE kehrt erfolgreich von der diesjährigen IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW) in San Antonio, Texas zurück. Insgesamt präsentierte das IHE fünf Paper auf der RWW. Matthias Möck, Ibrahim Aksoyak und Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy erhielten dabei den 2. Preis bei der Student Paper Competition für das Paper „A 4.5 dBm SiGe Doubler-Amplifier Chain Covering the Entire D-Band“. Im Anschluss an die Konferenz stand noch ein Besuch bei Texas Instruments in Dallas mit einem Invited Talk von Prof. Ulusoy an.