Publications 2005
- H. Braune, P. Brand, R. Krampitz, W. Leonhardt, D. Mellein, G. Michel, G. Müller, J. Sachtleben, M. Winkler, W7-X ECRH teams at IPP, IPF and FZK (M. Thumm et al.), "HV-system for CW-gyrotrons at W7-X and the relevance for ITER", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 25, pp. 56-65, 2005
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, D. Bariou, P. Brand, H. Braune, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, W. Kasparek, H. Laqua, C. Liévin, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, and M. Thumm, "140 GHz high-power gyrotron development for the stellarator W7-X", Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 74, pp. 217-221, 2005
- T. Dreyer, M. Liebler, and R. Riedlinger, "Investigations on stone fragmentation in different extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy sound fields in vitro", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 117, no. 4, p. 2384, 2005
- J.-P. Hogge, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, P. Benin, T. Bonicelli, A. Bruschi, R. Chavan, S. Cirant, O. Dumbrajs, D. Fasel, F. Gandini, E. Giguet, T. Goodman, R. Heidinger, M. Henderson, S. Illy, J. Jin, C. Lievin, R. Magne, P. Marmillod, P.-L. Mondino, A. Perez, B. Piosczyk, L. Porte, T. Rzesnicki, M. Santinelli, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, and I. Yovchev, "Development of a 2-MW, CW coaxial gyrotron at 170 GHz and test facility for ITER", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 25, pp. 33-44, 2005
- W. Kasparek, P. Brand, H. Braune, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, F. Hollmann, M. Grünert, H. Kumric, L. Jonitz, H. Laqua, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, F. Noke, B. Plaum, F. Purps, M. Schmid, T. Schulz, K. Schwörer, M. Thumm, and M. Weissgerber, "Status of the 140 GHz, 10 MW CW transmission system for ECRH on the stellarator W7-X", Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 74, pp. 243-248, 2005
- F. Leuterer, G. Grünwald, F. Monaco, M. Münich, H. Schütz, F. Ryter, D. Wagner, H. Zohm, T. Franke, G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, G. Gantenbein, H. Hailer, G.G. Denisov, A. Litvak, and V. Zapevalov, "Status of the new ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade", Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 74, pp. 199-203, 2005
- G. Link, M. Wolff, S. Takayama, M. Thumm, G. Falk, and R. Clasen, "The densification behavior of zirconia ceramics during millimeter-wave sintering", Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft, vol. 82, pp. 312-316, 2005
- J. Maurer, "Strahlenoptisches Kanalmodell für die Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Funkkommunikation", Dissertation an der Universität Karlsruhe, vol. 43, 2005
- B. Piosczyk, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, S. Illy, J. Jin, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, O. Prinz, T. Rzesnicki, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, and X.Yang, "A 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron – experimental verification of the design of main components", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 25, pp. 24-32, 2005
- B. Plaum, G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, K. Schwörer, M. Grünert, H. Braune, V. Erckmann, F. Hollmann, L. Jonitz, H. Laqua, G. Michel, F. Noke, F. Purps, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, F. Gandini, A.G.A. Verhoeven, ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe (M. Thumm et al.) and IPF Stuttgart, "High-power tests of a remote steering launcher mock-up at 140 GHz", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 25, pp. 120-129, 2005
- K. Takahashi, S. Illy, R. Heidinger, A. Kasugai, R. Minami, K. Sakamoto, M. Thumm, and T. Imai, "Development of reliable diamond window for EC launcher on fusion reactors", Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 74, pp. 305-310, 2005
- M. Thumm, "High power gyro-devices for plasma heating and other applications", International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 483-503, 2005
- X. Yang, G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, F. Leuterer, A. Meier, B. Piosczyk, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "Design of an ultra-broadband single-disk output window for a frequency step-tunable 1 MW gyrotron", Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 74, pp. 489-493, 2005
- H. Zohm and M. Thumm, "On the use of step-tuneable gyrotrons in ITER", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 25, pp. 274-282, 2005
- S. Knörzer, J. Maurer, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "Wave Propagation Modeling for Communication between Moving Vehicles", URSI National Radio Science Meeting, p. 166, Boulder, CO, USA, January 2005
- M. Wolff, G. Falk, R. Clasen, G. Link, S. Takayama, and M. Thumm, "Densification behavior of zirconia ceramics sintered using high-frequency microwaves", Proceedings Ceramic Engineering and Science, vol. 26, pp. 373-380, January 2005
- M. Wolff, G. Falk, R. Clasen, G. Link, S. Takayama, and M. Thumm, "Densification behavior of zirconia ceramics sintered using high-frequency microwaves", 29th International Cocoa Beach Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, January 2005
- M. Kartikeyan, G. Singh, E. Borie, B. Piosczyk, and M. Thumm, "An 84 GHz, 500 kW, conventional cavity gyrotron", Proceedings Symposium on Emerging Trends in Electronics ELECTRO 2005, pp. 62-64, Varanasi, India, February 2005
- T. Schäfer, T. Kayser, M. Pauli, and W. Wiesbeck, "Modeling of Composite Walls in Hospitals for Ray-Tracing and FDTD Simulations", 16th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2005
- C. Waldschmidt, C. Kuhnert, M. Pauli, and W. Wiesbeck, "Handy MIMO", IEE Communications Engineer, pp. 22-25, February/March 2005
- R. Lenz, K. Schuler, and W. Wiesbeck, "Highly Integrated X-band microwave modules for the TerraSAR-X calibrator", IEEE Proceedings German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2005, pp. 254-257, Ulm, Germany, March 2005
- J. Maurer, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "System Simulations Based on IEEE802.11a for Inter-Vehicle Communications Using a Realistic Channel Model", 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation WIT 2005, pp. 147-152, Hamburg, Germany, March 2005
- K. Schuler, M. Younis, R. Lenz, and W. Wiesbeck, "Digital Beamforming Short Range Radar", 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation WIT 2005, pp. 13-16, Hamburg, Germany, March 2005
- W. Sörgel, M. Baldauf, M. Younis, and W. Wiesbeck, "Sensitivity of Aggregate UWB Interference Models to their Parameters", Proceedings 2nd Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication WPNC & 1st Ultra-Wideband Expert Talk UET, pp. 201–210, Hannover, Germany, March 2005
- W. Sörgel and W. Wiesbeck, "Influence of the Antennas on the Ultra Wideband Transmission", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, special issue UWB - State of the Art, pp. 296–305, March 2005
- M. Akhtar, L. Feher, and M. Thumm, "A multi-layered waveguide technique for determining permittivity and conductivity of composite materials", Proceedings German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2005, pp. 37-40, Ulm, Germany, April 2005
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, H. Laqua, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Liévin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, and M. Tran, "Development of a 1-MW, CW gyrotron at 140 GHz for electron-cyclotron-resonance-heating in fusion plasma devices", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 113-113, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- L. Feher, M. Thumm, and K. Drechsler, "Gigahertz and nanotubes – perspectives for innovations with novel industrial microwave processing technology", Nanomat 6. Szene, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2005
- J. Jin, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, T. Rzesnicki, and S. Zhang, "Investigation of a mirror system for a high power coaxial-cavity gyrotron", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 275-278, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- J. Kim, M. Younis, and W. Wiesbeck, "Implementation of Digital Beam forming for Synthetic Aperture Radar", Proceedings International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas, CD-ROM, Duisburg, Germany, April 2005
- C. Liévin, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, P. Benin, T. Bonicelli, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, D. Fasel, E. Giguet, T. Goodman, R. Heidinger, M. Henderson, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, J. Jin, P.L. Mondino, B. Piosczyk, L. Porte, T. Rzesnicki, M. Thumm, M. Tran, and I. Yovchev, "Development of a 2-MW, CW coaxial gyrotron at 170 GHz for electron-cyclotron-resonance-heating in ITER", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 21-24, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- J. Maurer, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "A Ray-Optical Channel Model for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks", Proceedings 11th European Wireless Conference, CD-ROM, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 2005
- P. McGrane, I. Konoplev, M. Thumm, A. Cross, W. He, A. Phelps, K. Ronald, C. Whyte, N. Ginzburg, N. Peskov, and A. Sergeev, "Co-axial 2D Bragg structures with corrugated outer and inner conductors", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 291-292, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- M. Meurer, S. Heilmann, T. Weber, S. Abdellaoui, P.W. Baier, and J. Maurer, "Signature Based Localization Using Multi Antennas and Space-Time Subspace Matching", Proceedings International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas, CD-ROM, Duisburg, Germany, April 2005
- H. Prinz, A. Arnold, K. Koppenburg, and M. Thumm, "Development of a broadband real-time frequency measurement system for high power mm-wave gyrotrons", Proceedings German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2005, pp. 41-44, Ulm, Germany, April 2005
- T. Rzesnicki, J. Jin, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, G. Michel, and D. Wagner, "170 GHz, 2 MW coaxial cavity gyrotron – design and experimental verification of the RF output system –", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 303-306, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- W. Sörgel, C. Kuhnert, and W. Wiesbeck, "Evaluation of UWB Antenna Concepts based on directional indoor channel measurements", Proceedings Loughborough Antenna and Propagation Conference LAPC 2005, CD-ROM, Loughborough, Great Britain, April 2005
- S. Stanculovic, L. Feher, and M. Thumm, "Slotted waveguides for 2.45 GHz industrial applicators", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 467-470, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- X. Yang, A. Arnold, E. Borie, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, K. Koppenburg, O. Prinz, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "New internal beam-forming mirror system for a multi-frequency 1 MW F-Band gyrotron", Proceedings German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2005, pp. 164-167, Ulm, Germany, April 2005
- X. Yang, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, O. Drumm, K. Koppenburg, B. Piosczyk, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "Newly designed internal phase-correcting mirrors for a multi-frequency 1 MW gyrotron at FZK", Proceedings 6th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005, pp. 127-130, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2005
- H. Braune, P. Brand, R. Krampitz, W. Leonhardt, D. Mellein, G. Michel, G. Müller, M. Winkler, W7-X ECRH Teams at IPP, IPF and FZK, "HV-system for CW-gyrotrons at W7-X and the relevance for ITER", 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER, Como, Italy, May 2005
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, P. Brand, H. Braune, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, S. Jin, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, H. Laqua, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Liévin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, T. Rzesnicki, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, M. Tran, and X. Yang, "Development of multimegawatt gyrotrons for fusion plasma heating and current drive", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 808-817, May 2005
- J.-P. Hogge, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, P. Benin, T. Bonicelli, A. Bruschi, R. Chaven, S. Cirant, R. Claesen, O. Dumbrajs, D. Fasel, F. Gandini, E. Giguet, T. Goodman, R. Heidinger, M. Henderson, S. Illy, J. Jin, C. Liévin, X. Llobet, R. Magne, P. Marmillod, P. Mondino, A. Perez, B. Piosczyk, L. Porte, T. Rzesnicki, M. Santinelli, M. Thumm, M. Tran, and I. Yovchev, "Development of a 2-MW, CW coaxial gyrotron at 170 GHz and test facility for ITER", 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER, Como, Italy, May 2005
- R. Lenz, K. Schuler, M. Younis, and W. Wiesbeck, "High accuracy digitally controlled active radar ground calibrator system for TerraSAR-X", Proceedings International Radar Conference IEEE Radar 05, pp. 1-4, Arlington, VA, USA, May 2005
- B. Piosczyk, T. Rzesnicki, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, S. Illy, J. Jin, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, and X. Yang, "A 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron. Experimental verification of the design of main components", 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER, Como, Italy, May 2005
- B. Plaum, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, K. Schwörer, H. Braune, M. Grünert, F. Hollmann, I. Jonitz, H.P. Laqua, G. Michel, F. Noke, F. Purps, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, F. Gandini, A. Verhoeven, ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart, "High-power tests of a remote steering launcher mock-up at 140 GHz", 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER, Como, Italy, May 2005
- T. Schäfer, J. Maurer, J. v. Hagen and W. Wiesbeck, "Experimental Characterisation of Radio Wave Propagation in Hospitals" IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 304-411, May 2005
- K. Schuler, M. Younis, R. Lenz, and W. Wiesbeck, "Array Design for Automotive Digital Beamforming Radar System". Proceedings International Radar Conference IEEE Radar 05, pp. 435 – 440, Arlington, VA, USA, May 2005
- M. Thumm, X. Yang, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, G. Michel, J. Pretterebner, and D. Wagner, "A high-efficiency quasi-optical mode converter for a 140-GHz 1-MW CW gyrotron", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 818-824, May 2005
- H. Zohm and M. Thumm, "Can frequency step-tuning replace poloidal angle scanning for ECRH launchers?" 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER, Como, Italy, May 2005
- H. Braune, P. Brand, R. Krampitz, W. Leonhardt, D. Mellein, G. Michel, G. Mueller, M. Winkler, and the W7-ECRH teams at IPP, IPF and FZK, "HV-system for the ECRH installation at W7-X – potentials to meet the requirements of ITER gyrotrons", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 479-490, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, P. Brand, H. Braune, E. Borie, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, M. Kuntze, H. Laqua, G. LeCloarec, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Liévin, R. Magne, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, K. Schwörer, M. Thumm, and M. Tran, "Experimental results on the 1st series-tube of the 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotron", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 145-162, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- H. Laqua, ECRH-Team at FZK, ECRH Team at IPF Stuttgart, and the ECRH Team at IPP, "The ECRH-System at IPP-Greifswald – status and first integrated tests", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 79-91, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- G. Link, S. Takayama, M. Thumm, M. Wolff, G. Falk, and R. Clasen, "The effect of mm-wave sintering on microstructure evolution in zirconia ceramics", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 527-538, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- M. Pauli, T. Kayser, and W. Wiesbeck, "Material Parameter Measurement of Soils and Liquids with a Waveguide Setup", Proceedings 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances ISEMA 2005, pp. 182–189, Weimar, Germany, May/June 2005
- N. Peskov, N. Ginzburg, G. Denisov, S. Kuzikov, A. Sergeev, A. Arzhannikov, P. Kalinin, S. Sinitsky, and M. Thumm, "Electrodynamical properties of two-dimensional Bragg structures", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 393-403, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- B. Piosczyk, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, S. Illy, J. Jin, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, O. Prinz, T. Rzesnicki, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, D. Wagner, and X. Yang, "A 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron – experimental verification of the design and general status –", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 119-133, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- H. Prinz, A. Arnold, K. Koppenburg, and M. Thumm, "New broadband real-time frequency measurement system at FZK", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 329-337, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- T. Rzesnicki, J. Jin, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, G. Michel, and D. Wagner, "170 GHz, 2 MW coaxial cavity gyrotron – design and experimental verification of the RF output system –", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 223-234, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- M. Schmid, G. Dammertz, S. Illy, M. Thumm, and C. Liévin, "Transverse field collector sweep system for the W7-X gyrotrons", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 313-328, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- S. Takayama, G. Link, S. Miksch, M. Thumm, M. Sato, and J. Ichikawa, "Experimental investigation on millimeter-wave heating of powder compacts of metal and metal alloy", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 511-525, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- D. Wagner, G. Grünwald, F. Leuterer, A. Manini, F. Monaco, M. Münich, H. Schütz, F. Ryter, H. Zohm, T. Franke, H. Heidinger, M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, G. Gantenbein, G. Denisov, A. Litvak, and V. Zapevalov, "The new ASDEX upgrade ECRH system", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 93-107, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- X. Yang, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, F. Leuterer, B. Piosczyk, O. Prinz, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "Modification of the quasi-optical mode converter for a multi-frequency gyrotron at FZK", Proceedings 17th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, pp. 235-249, Greifswald, Germany, May/June 2005
- A. Cross, I. Konoplev, P. McGrane, W. He, A. Phelps, C. Whyte, K. Ronald, N. Ginzburg, N. Peskov, A. Sergeev, and M. Thumm, "Co-axial free-electron maser based on two-dimensional distributed feedback", Conference Record-Abstracts IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science ICOPS 2005, p. 353, Monterey, CA, USA, June 2005
- G. Dammertz, A. Arnold, R. Heidinger, J. Jin, K. Koppenburg, W. Leonhardt, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, T. Rzesnicki, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, X. Yang, S. Alberti, J.-P. Hogge, M. Tran, I. Yovchev,V. Erckmann, H. Laqua, G. Michel, G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, G. Müller, K. Schwörer, O. Dumbrajs, D. Bariou, E. Giguet, F. Legrand, and C. Liévin, "High power gyrotron development at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe for fusion applications", Conference Record-Abstracts IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science ICOPS 2005, p. 110, Monterey, CA, USA, June 2005
- G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, B. Piosczyk, and M. Thumm, "Development of multimegawatt gyrotrons for fusion plasma devices", EU-JA-US RF Technology Exchange, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, June 2005
- S. Knörzer, J. Maurer, S. Vogeler, K.-D. Kammeyer, and W. Wiesbeck, "Channel Modeling for a High-Speed Train OFDM Communication Link Supporting High Data Rates", Proceedings 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, pp. 333-336, Brest, France, June 2005
- C. Kuhnert, G. Saala, C. Waldschmidt, and W. Wiesbeck, "Amplitude and Phase Distortions in MIMO and Diversity Systems", 14th Information Society Technologies Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, CD-ROM, Dresden, Germany, June 2005
- C. Kuhnert, S. Schulteis, C. Waldschmidt, and W. Wiesbeck, "Front-End requirements for MIMO communication systems", Proceedings European Microwave Association, vol. 1, pp. 140-148, June 2005
- O. Louksha, B. Piosczyk, G. Sominski, M. Thumm, and D. Samsonov, "Electron emission inhomogeneity and low-frequency parasitic oscillations in a gyrotron", 7th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF, Kalamata, Greece, June 2005
- J. Maurer, S. Knörzer, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "Performance of Wireless LAN (IEEE802.11a) in Inter-Vehicle Communications", Proceedings 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, CD-ROM, Brest, France, June 2005
- A. Phelps, I. Konoplev, P. McGrane, A. Cross, W. He, C. Whyte, K. Ronald, M. Thumm, N. Ginzburg, N. Peskov, and A. Sergeev, "Co-axial Ka-band free-electron maser using two-dimensional distributed feedback", 7th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF, Kalamata, Greece, June 2005
- R. Rozental, A. Luchinin, N. Ginzburg, G. Link, and M. Thumm, "Excitations of several axial eigenmodes in gyrotrons with mismatched window – simulations and experimental studies", Conference Record-Abstracts IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science ICOPS 2005, p. 208, Monterey, CA, USA, June 2005
- S. Sevskiy and W. Wiesbeck, "Ultra-Broadband Bidirectional Log-Per Dipole Arrays", 11th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics ANTEM 2005, pp. 130-131, Saint-Malo, France, June 2005
- M. Thumm, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, G. Dammertz, C. Darbos, O. Dumbrajs, G. Gantenbein, V. Erckmann, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, J. Jin, W. Kasparek, C. Liévin, R. Magne, G. Michel, B. Piosczyk, O. Prinz, T. Rzesnicki, K. Schwörer, M. Tran, X. Yang, and I. Yovchev, "Gyrotron development in EU for present fusion experiments and for ITER", 7th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF, Kalamata, Greece, June 2005
- M. Akhtar, L. Feher, and M. Thumm, "Measurement of dielectric and conductive properties of avionic materials at 2.45 GHz using two-step approach", Proceedings 39th Annual Microwave Symposium, pp. 58-61, Seattle, WA, USA, July 2005
- L. Feher, M. Thumm, and K. Drechsler, "Development of an industrial 2.45 GHz HEPHAISTOS-CA2 microwave processing system for avionic composite fabrication", Proceedings 39th Annual Microwave Symposium, pp. 53-57, Seattle, WA, USA, July 2005
- T. Fügen, J. Maurer, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "Characterization of Multipath Clusters with Ray-tracing in Urban MIMO Propagation Environments at 2 GHz", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation IEEE-APS 2005, CD-ROM, Washington DC, USA, July 2005
- J. Kim, M. Younis, and W. Wiesbeck, "Implementation of Ground-based SAR Demonstrator System for Digital Beam forming", IEEE Proceedings International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS’05, vol. 6, pp. 4037-4040, Seoul, South Korea, July 2005
- R. Lenz, J. Pontes, and W. Wiesbeck, "The TerraSAR-X ground calibration system and pattern estimation software", IEEE Proceedings Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS’05, vol. 7, pp. 4894-4897, Seoul, South Korea, July 2005
- F. Pivit, C. Waldschmidt, W. Wiesbeck, and G. Fischer, "Polarization Coupling Effects in a Dual-Polarized Aperture Antenna for Multiband Base Stations", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium IEEE-APS 2005, CD-ROM, Washington DC, USA, July 2005
- S. Sevskiy and W. Wiesbeck, "Ultra-Broadband Omnidirectional Printed Dipole Arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation IEEE-APS 2005, CD-ROM, Washington DC, USA, July 2005
- W. Sörgel, M. Baldauf, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "Calculation of Aggregate Interference Power from Ultra Wideband Devices ", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation IEEE-APS 2005, CD-ROM, Washington DC, USA, July 2005
- A. Arzhannikov, N. Ginzburg, P. Kalinin, S. Kuznetsov, N. Peskov, R. Rozental, S. Sinitsky, V. Stepanov, M. Thumm, V. Zaslavsky, and I. Zotova, "Two-stage generation of terahertz radiation on the base of intercavity stimulated scattering in planar two-beam FEM with 2D Bragg resonator (project of experiment at ELMI accelerator)", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S37, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- V. Erckmann and the W7-X ECRH-teams at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart, "Status and first integrated tests of the 10 MW, 140 GHz ECRH-System for W7-X", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. H5, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- W. Kasparek, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, B. Plaum, K. Schwörer, R. Wacker, M. Grünert, F. Hollmann, L. Jonitz, H. Laqua, G. Michel, F. Noke, F. Purps, D. Wagner, A. Chirkov, G. Denisov, S. Kuzikov, K. Ohkubo, A. Bruschi, S. Cirant, F. Gandini, A. Verhoeven, ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart, "Low- and high-power investigations of an ITER remote steering launcher mock-up", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. H16, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- I. Konoplev, A. Cross, N. Ginzburg, P. McGrane, W. He, N. Peskov, A. Phelps, C. Robertson, K. Ronald, A. Sergeev, M. Thumm, and C. Whyte, "Study of co-axial free electron maser based on two-dimensional distributed feedback", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S34, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- G. Link, M. Wolff, S. Takayama, G. Falk, R. Clasen, and M. Thumm, "Evidence for non-thermal effects during microwave sintering of zirconia ceramics?" 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. D19, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- O. Louksha, B. Piosczyk, G. Sominski, M. Thumm, and D. Samsonov, "Effect of electron emission inhomogeneity on electron beam characteristics and output parameters of a 4-mm gyrotron", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S17, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- N. Peskov, N. Ginzburg, G. Denisov, S. Kuzikov, A. Sergeev, A. Arzhannikov, P. Kalinin, S. Sinitsky, and M. Thumm, "Peculiarities of mode spectrum of planar 2D Bragg resonator (theory and experiment)", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S62, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- B. Piosczyk, S. Alberti, D. Bariou, P. Benin, T. Bonicelli, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, D. Fasel, E. Giguet, T. Goodman, R. Heidinger, M. Henderson, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, J. Jin, C. Liévin, G. Michel, P. Mondino, L. Porte, T. Rzesnicki, M. Thumm, M. Tran, X. Yang, and I. Yovchev, "Progress in the development of the 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S9, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- M. Thumm, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, H. Laqua, C. Liévin, R. Magne, G. Michel, B. Piosczyk, K. Schwörer, M. Tran, and X. Yang, "Status of 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for W7-X", 6th International Workshop on Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, p. S4, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July/August 2005
- T. Schäfer and W. Wiesbeck, "Simulation of Radiowave Propagation in Hospitals Based on FDTD and Ray-Optical Methods", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 2381-2388, August 2005
- M. Akhtar, L. Feher, and M. Thumm, "The measurement of complex permittivity tensor of uniaxial anisotropic composite materials using a waveguide method", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, pp. 24-27, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- G. Dammertz, S. Alberti, A. Arnold, D. Bariou, E. Borie, P. Brand, H. Braune, V. Erckmann, G. Gantenbein, E. Giguet, R. Heidinger, J.-P. Hogge, S. Illy, W. Kasparek, K. Koppenburg, H. Laqua, F. Legrand, W. Leonhardt, C. Liévin, G. Michel, G. Müller, G. Neffe, B. Piosczyk, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, and M. Tran, "Experimental results on the 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotrons for the stellarator W7-X", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 235-236, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, B. Piosczyk, and M. Thumm, "Development of multimegawatt gyrotrons at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe", Book of Abstracts 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE05-033, p. 77, Knoxville, TN, USA, September 2005
- G. Dummer, B. Lutz, M. Kühl, R. Lenz, K. Müller-Glaser, and W. Wiesbeck, "Design and realization of an active SAR calibrator for TerraSAR-X", Proceedings of SPIE Europe International Symposium on Remote Sensing, CD-ROM, Bruges, Belgium, September 2005
- V. Erckmann, P. Brand, H. Braune, G. Dammertz, G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, H. Laqua, G. Michel, M. Thumm, M. Weissgerber, and W7-X ECRH teams at IPP, FZK, IPF, "The 140 GHz, 10 MW, CW ECRH system for W7-X: A training field for ITER", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 1-2, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- L. Feher, K. Drechsler, J. Filsinger, and M. Thumm, "Development of the industrial 2.45 GHz HEPHAISTOS-CA2 microwave processing system for composite fabrication", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, pp. 56-59, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- T. Fügen, C. Kuhnert, and W. Wiesbeck, "Capacity of the MIMO Broadcast Channel Under Realistic Propagation Conditions", Proceedings 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC 2005, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germay, September 2005
- T. Fügen, J. Maurer, and W. Wiesbeck, "Cluster Characterization in Urban Macrocellular Environments with Ray-tracing", Proceedings IEEE 62th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC Fall 2005, CD-ROM, Dallas, TX, USA, September 2005
- G. Gantenbein, W. Kasparek, B. Plaum, K. Schwörer, V. Erckmann, H. Laqua, G. Michel, ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe (M. Thumm et al.), and IPF Stuttgart, "High-power tests and analysis of a remote steering launcher mock-up for ECRH on ITER", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 549-550, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- R. Heidinger, I. Danilov, A. Meier, P. Spaeh, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, W. Bongers, M. Graswinckel, B. Lamers, and A. Verhoeven, "Design and performance tests of a high power torus window for a remotely steered EC launcher", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 565-566, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- J. Jin, M. Thumm, T. Rzesnicki, B. Piosczyk, and G. Dammertz, "Investigation of an advanced quasi-optical mode converter for a coaxial gyrotron", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 299-300, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- M. Kartikeyan, G. Singh, E. Borie, B. Piosczyk, and M. Thumm, "Design studies of an 84 GHz, 500 kW, CW gyrotron", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 387-388, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- I. Konoplev, P. McGrane, K. Ronald, A. Cross, W. He, C. Whyte, A. Phelps, C. Robertson, D. Speirs, N. Ginzburg, N. Peskov, A. Sergeev, and M. Thumm, "Experimental study of a FEM based on a 2D distributed feedback cavity", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 499-500, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- K. Koppenburg, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, H. Prinz, M. Thumm, and X. Yang, "Recent results of the step-tunable 105-140 GHz, 1 MW gyrotron development at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 291-292, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- C. Kuhnert, M. Baldauf, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "Near field characterization of MIMO antennas in hand-held devices with regard to exposure reduction", Proceedings International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA, pp. 795-798, Torino, Italy, September 2005
- R. Lenz, K. Schuler, and W. Wiesbeck, "The ground transponder and receiver unit for the TerraSAR-X calibration campaign", Proceedings International Radar Symposium IRS, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, September 2005
- G. Link, S. Takayama, and M. Thumm, "Non-thermal effects of mm-wave sintering on the microstructure of zirconia ceramics", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 229-230, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- G. Link, S. Takayama, M. Thumm, M. Wolff, G. Falk, and R. Clasen, "The influence of millimeter waves on densification behaviour of zirconia ceramics", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, pp. 395-398, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- J. Maurer, S. Knörzer, and W. Wiesbeck, "Ray Tracing in Rich Scattering Environments for Mobile-to-Mobile Links", Proceedings of joint 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference EESC, pp. 1073-1076, Torino, Italy, September 2005
- J. Maurer, T. Fügen, and W. Wiesbeck, "Physical Layer Simulations of IEEE802.11a for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication", Proceedings IEEE 62th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC Fall 2005, CD-ROM, Dallas, TX, USA, September 2005
- I. Ogawa, T. Idehara, K. Nagao, H. Ando, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "Development of a functional quasi-optical system for gyrotron application as a radiation source", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 379-380, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- M. Pauli, T. Kayser, and W. Wiesbeck, "Waveguide Measurement Setup for Material Parameter Determination of Soils and Liquids", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, CD-ROM, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- B. Piosczyk, T. Rzesnicki, G. Dammertz, O. Dumbrajs, S. Illy, J. Jin, W. Leonhardt, G. Michel, M. Schmid, M. Thumm, and X. Yang, "170 GHz, 2 MW, CW coaxial cavity gyrotron – experimental verification of the design –", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 289-290, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- H. Prinz, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, K. Koppenburg, and M. Thumm, "Investigations on mode converters for multi-frequency gyrotrons", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 297-298, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- T. Rzesnicki, J. Jin, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm, G. Michel, and D. Wagner, "170 GHz, 2 MW coaxial cavity gyrotron – design verification of the new RF output system –", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 519-520, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- J. Schmitz, B. Schünemann, M. Jung, G. Wollmann, A. Bausen, D. Nitsch, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "UWB-Antennenarrays für HPEM-Wirksysteme", Wehrtechnisches Symposium Elektromagnetische Effekte EME 2005, Mannheim, Germany, September 2005
- K. Schuler, R. Lenz, and W. Wiesbeck, "Digital Beam-Forming for Automotive SRR", Proceedings International Radar Symposium IRS, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, September 2005
- S. Schulteis, C. Stum, C. Waldschmidt, and W. Wiesbeck, "Application of Smart Antenna Techniques in a Joint MIMO Communication and Radar System", Proceedings of joint 9th International Conference on Elecromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA, pp. 803 – 806, Torino, Italy, September 2005
- S. Schulteis, C. Waldschmidt, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "Measurement Techniques for Diversity and MIMO Antenna Qualification". Proceedings of joint 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference EESC, pp. 167 – 170, Torino, Italy, September 2005
- S. Schulteis, C. Waldschmidt, C. Sturm, and W. Wiesbeck, "Joint Radar Sensing and Communication System Exploiting Smart Antenna Techniques", Proceedings International Radar Symposium IRS, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, September 2005
- S. Sevskiy and W. Wiesbeck, "New Class of Multi-Band and Ultra-Wideband Printed Dipole Antennas", IEE Seminar on Wideband and Multi-Band Antennas and Arrays, pp. 60-63, Birmingham, Great Britain, September 2005
- W. Sörgel, S. Schulteis, S. Knörzer, and W. Wiesbeck, "Deconvolution of the Antennas from Directional UWB Channel Measurements", Proceedings of joint 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference EESC, pp. 589–593, Torino, Italy, September 2005
- W. Sörgel, C. Sturm, and W. Wiesbeck, "Impulse Responses of Linear UWB Antenna Arrays and the Application to Beam Steering", Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, pp. 275-281, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2005
- S. Stanculovic, L. Feher, and M. Thumm, "Design of nonresonant slotted waveguide feeds for 2.45 GHz industrial microwave heating systems", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, pp. 454-457, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- S. Takayama, G. Link, S. Miksch, M. Sato, J. Ichikawa, and M. Thumm, "Behaviour of powder compacts of metals and alloys during millimeter-wave heating", Proceedings 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, pp. 281-284, Modena, Italy, September 2005
- D. Wagner, G. Grünwald, F. Leuterer, A. Manini, F. Monaco, M. Münich, F. Ryter, H. Schütz, H. Zohm, T. Franke, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, M. Thumm, W. Kasparek, G. Gantenbein, G. Denisov, A. Litvak, and V. Zapevalov, "Current status of the new ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 24-25, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- X. Yang, A. Arnold, G. Dammertz, R. Heidinger, K. Koppenburg, B. Piosczyk, O. Prinz, D. Wagner, and M. Thumm, "Progress towards optimization of phase-correcting mirrors for a multi-frequency gyrotron", Conference Digest Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, pp. 618-619, Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 2005
- M. Younis, N. Gebert, R. Lenz, K. Schuler, and W. Wiesbeck, "A Processing Algorithm for Digital Beam Forming SAR", Proceedings International Radar Symposium IRS, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, September 2005
- M. Arora, M. Liebler, T. Dreyer, and C.-D. Ohl, "Cavitation cluster dynamics in shock wave Lithotripsy", Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, CD-ROM, Boston, MA, USA, October 2005
- R. Lenz, J. Pontes, and W. Wiesbeck, "A high accuracy calibration and receive instrument for TerraSAR-X ground calibration", IEEE Proceedings European Microwave Week EuMW/EURAD, CD-ROM, Paris, France, October 2005
- G. Link, M. Wolff, S. Takayama, M. Thumm, G. Falk, and R. Clasen, "The densification behavior or zirconia ceramics during millimeter-wave sintering", Jahrestagung der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft in Verbindung mit dem Symposium Hochleistungskeramik, Selb-Plößberg, Germany, October 2005
- J. Maurer, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "Ray Tracing for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications", Proceedings XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Radio Science Union URSI-GA, CD-ROM, New Delhi, India, October 2005
- M. Pauli, C. Waldschmidt, W. Sörgel, and W. Wiesbeck, "Measurement Results of Compact MIMO Terminal Antennas", Proceedings XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Radio Science Union URSI-GA, CD-ROM, Delhi, India, October 2005
- W. Sörgel, M. Pauli, and W. Wiesbeck, "Directional UWB Indoor Propagation Measurements", Proceedings XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Radio Science Union URSI-GA, CD-ROM, New Delhi, India, October 2005
- W. Wiesbeck, C. Kuhnert, and W. Sörgel, "Smart Antennas for MIMO Applications", Proceedings XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Radio Science Union URSI-GA, CD-ROM, New Delhi, India, October 2005
- G. Wilzbach Divkovic, P. Siegler, M. Liebler, K. Braun, P. Huber, and J. Jenne, "Basic Principles of Lesion Formation during HIFU Therapy Demonstrated in an Egg White Phantom", Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Boston, MA, USA, October 2005
- W. Wiesbeck, R. Raney, K. Sarabandi, K. Tomiyasu, and J. Smith, "GRS-S Awards Presented at IGARSS 2004", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 2410-2417, November 2005