• Funding:

    Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg

  • Project partner:

    IPG Automotive GmbH
    Institut für Fahrzeugsystem­technik, KIT
    PKTEC Pauli & Kayser Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

  • Start:

    October 2022

  • End:

    September 2024

  • Contact:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Thomas Zwick
    M.Sc. Axel Diewald

4D Multi-Radar-Zielsimulation für Vehicle-in-the-Loop ADAS-Test

In order to accelerate the development and validation of different stages of autonomous driving with the associated reduction of CO2-generating test drives, solutions will be developed in the proposed project that will enable the validation of the latest radar-based driver assistance systems on vehicle test benches. For this purpose, a radar target simulator for several objects (multi-object) for stimulating the latest generation of radar sensors with elevation resolution (4D radar) will be developed and integrated into the vehicle test bench. Procedures are also being developed for radar target simulation in the close range as well as in the transition from close to far range and for testing multi-radar based VAS in more complex traffic scenarios. This project enables the industrial partners to offer competitive products for the validation of driver assistance systems in vehicle test benches on the national and international market, to sustainably strengthen the automotive location of Baden-Württemberg and to reduce the environmental impact of test drives on public roads.