Journal Articles
Eisenbeis, J.; Pfaff, J.; Karg, C.; Kowalewski, J.; Li, Y.; Pauli, M.; Zwick, T. (2020). Beam Pattern Optimization Method for Subarray-Based Hybrid Beamforming Systems. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 2020, Art.-Nr.: 8853794. doi:10.1155/2020/8853794
Nuss, B.; De Oliveira, L. G.; Zwick, T. (2020). Frequency Comb MIMO OFDM Radar with Nonequidistant Subcarrier Interleaving. IEEE microwave and wireless components letters, 30 (12), 1209–1212. doi:10.1109/LMWC.2020.3030328
Hahmann, K.; Schneider, S.; Zwick, T. (2020). Analysis of interference between vast numbers of automotive radars considering stochastic temporal conditions. Progress in electromagnetics research / M, 94, 131–142. doi:10.2528/PIERM20051803
Nawaz, A. A.; Albrecht, J. D.; Cagri Ulusoy, A. (2020). A 28-/60-GHz Band-Switchable Bidirectional Amplifier for Reconfigurable mm-Wave Transceivers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 68 (7), 3197–3205. doi:10.1109/TMTT.2020.2989119
Nuss, B.; Mayer, J.; Marahrens, S.; Zwick, T. (2020). Frequency Comb OFDM Radar System With High Range Resolution and Low Sampling Rate. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 68 (9), 3861–3871. doi:10.1109/TMTT.2020.2988254
Qayyum, J. A.; Albrecht, J. D.; Papapolymerou, J.; Ulusoy, A. C. (2020). A Compact W-Band Frequency Tripler Using Single-Balanced Topology. IEEE microwave and wireless components letters, 30 (8), 806–809. doi:10.1109/LMWC.2020.3007190
Eisenbeis, J.; Kern, N.; Tingulstad, M.; Oliveira, L. G. de; Zwick, T. (2020). Sparse Array Channel Estimation for Subarray-based Hybrid Beamforming Systems. IEEE wireless communications letters, 10 (2), 231–235. doi:10.1109/LWC.2020.3025171
Wagner, D. H.; Kasparek, W.; Leuterer, F. S. P.; Monaco, F.; Ruess, T.; Stober, J. K.; Thumm, M. (2020). A Compact Two-Frequency Notch Filter for Millimeter Wave Plasma Diagnostics. Journal of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves, 41 (7), 741–749. doi:10.1007/s10762-020-00701-6
Boes, F.; Gramlich, G.; Kretschmann, M.; Marahrens, S.; Zwick, T. (2020). Ultrabroadband Diplexers for Next-Generation High-Frequency Measurement Applications. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 68 (6), 2161–2167. doi:10.1109/TMTT.2020.2977289
Kowalewski, J.; Eisenbeis, J.; Jauch, A.; Mayer, J.; Kretschmann, M.; Zwick, T. (2020). A mmW Broadband Dual-Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on Hybrid Modes. IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters, 19 (7), 1068–1072. doi:10.1109/LAWP.2020.2988516
Girka, I. O.; Girka, O. I.; Thumm, M. (2020). Azimuthal surface waves in cylindrical metal waveguides partially filled by magnetoactive plasma: Analysis of energy transfer. Physics of plasmas, 27 (6), 062108. doi:10.1063/5.0009220
Thumm, M. (2020). Gyro-devices – natural sources of high-power high-order angular momentum millimeter-wave beams. Terahertz Science & Technology, 13 (1), 1–21.
John, L.; Tessmann, A.; Leuther, A.; Neininger, P.; Merkle, T.; Zwick, T. (2020). Broadband 300-GHz Power Amplifier MMICs in InGaAs mHEMT Technology. IEEE transactions on terahertz science and technology, 10 (3), 309–320. doi:10.1109/TTHZ.2020.2965808
Eisenbeis, J.; Li, Y.; Kowalewski, J.; Kretschmann, M.; Zwick, T. (2020). Analog 28 GHz LoS MIMO Relay System Using a 90° Hybrid Coupler. IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters, 19 (4), 571–575. doi:10.1109/LAWP.2020.2972116
Thumm, M. (2020). State-of-the-Art of High-Power Gyro-Devices and Free Electron Masers. Journal of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves, 41 (1), 1–140. doi:10.1007/s10762-019-00631-y
Conference Papers
Li, Y.; Wan, X.; Eisenbeis, J.; Long, X.; Jozwicka, M.; Cui, T.; Zwick, T. (2020). A Novel Wireless Communication System using Programmable Metasurface Operating at 28 GHz. 2020 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT 2020 Online), Proceedings, September 20 - 23, 2020, Shanghai, China, 1–3, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICMMT49418.2020.9386603
De Oliveira, L. G.; Alabd, M. B.; Nuss, B.; Zwick, T. (2020). Range Association and Fusion in a Network of Single-Channel Monostatic OFDM Radars. 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM), 23 November 2020, online, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICMIM48759.2020.9299074
Alabd, M. B.; De Oliveira, L. G.; Nuss, B.; Wiesbeck, W.; Zwick, T. (2020). Time-Frequency Shift Modulation for Chirp Sequence based Radar Communications. 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM), 23 November 2020, online, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICMIM48759.2020.9298987
Nuss, B.; Diewald, A.; Schoepfel, J.; Martini, D.; Pohl, N.; Zwick, T. (2020). 76GHz OFDM Radar Demonstrator with Real-Time Processing for Automotive Applications. 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM), 23 November 2020, online, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICMIM48759.2020.9299057
Mayer, J.; Martina, M.; Kowalewski, J.; Chen, J.; Zwick, T. (2020). A Capacitively Coupled Patch Antenna Array for an Enlarged Bandwidth at 77 GHz. 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation : 15-20 March 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, Art.Nr. 9135425, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135425
Goettel, B.; Bhutani, A.; Marahrens, S.; Zwick, T. (2020). In-Antenna Power Combining for Highly-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Transmitters. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9136076
Bhutani, A.; Marahrens, S.; Gottel, B.; Zwick, T. (2020). Circular-Polarization Mushroom EBG Antenna Module for 122 GHz Monostatic Radar Sensor in LTCC Technology. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135646
Visweswaran, A.; Haag, A.; De Martino, C.; Schneider, K.; Maiwald, T.; Vignon, B.; Aufinger, K.; Spirito, M.; Zwick, T.; Wambacq, P. (2020). An integrated 132-147GHz power source with +27dBm EIRP. 2020 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, 4-6 August 2020, online, 219–222, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/RFIC49505.2020.9218353
Abadpour, S.; Diewald, A.; Nuss, B.; Pauli, M.; Zwick, T. (2020). Extraction of Scattering Centers Using a Greedy Algorithm for Traffic Participants. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135316
Kowalewski, J.; Jauch, A.; Eisenbeis, J.; Marahrens, S.; Schneider, K.; Zwick, T. (2020). Dual-Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for 5G Mobile Radio Base Stations. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135931
Schneider, K.; Marahrens, S.; Eisenbeis, J.; Kowalewski, J.; Zwick, T. (2020). Broadband Dual-Polarized Stacked Microstrip Antenna with Pin- and Edge-Feed for 5G Applications in Ka-Band. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135696
Hebeler, J.; Zwick, T.; Ulusoy, A. Ç. (2020). Design and modelling of magnetic on-chip structures at 240 GHz. 2020 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Cottbus, Germany, Germany, 9-11 March 2020, 172–175, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Marek, A.; Avramidis, K. A.; Ginzburg, N. S.; Haas, D.; Illy, S.; Jin, J.; Thumm, M.; Jelonnek, J. (2020). Simple Feedback System for Passive Mode Locked Gyro-Devices at 263 GHz. 2020 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Cottbus, 9-11 March 2020, 56–59, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Hofele, J.; Link, G.; Jelonnek, J. (2020). Dielectric Measurements of PAN Precursor and Stabilized Fibers. GeMiC 2020, German Microwave Conference : March, 09-11, 2020, Cottbus, 192–195, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Haas, D.; Marek, A.; Thumm, M.; Jelonnek, J.; Jirousek, M.; Peichl, M. (2020). Broadband Polarizer Miter Bend for High Power Radar Applications. GEMIC, German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Cottbus, Germany, March 09 - 11, 2020, 76–79, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Qayyum, J. A.; Albrecht, J.; Papapolymerou, J.; Ulusoy, A. C. (2020). A 20-60 GHz ultra-wideband SPDT switch for multi-band transceivers. 2020 IEEE 20th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), 16–18, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/SIRF46766.2020.9040186
Li, Y.; Eisenbeis, J.; Michev, R.; Alabd, M. B.; Zwick, T. (2020). Measurement-based Misalignment Analysis of Dual-polarized 2
2 LoS MIMO System at 28 GHz. 13th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC2020), 152–155, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). -
Kallfass, I.; Tessmann, A.; Henneberger, R.; Sommer, R.; Harati, P.; Dilek, S. M.; Schoch, B.; Eisenbeis, J.; Marahrens, S.; Palm, S. (2020). High System Gain E-Band Link in a Wideband Aircraft-to-Ground Data Transmission. IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel, November 4-6, 2019, Article No.8958387, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958387