Design of Low-Power Receiver Front-End Components

  • Research field:mmw circuit design, low power design
  • Type:Masterarbeit
  • Time:flexible
  • Supervisor:

    M.Sc. Xinyu Kong

  • In recent years, the integration of energy harvesting with the Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless sensor networks has gained significant interest from researchers. Replacing traditional batteries with energy harvesters in sensors can greatly simplify the maintenance of the system. However, the power generated through energy harvesting is often limited, resulting in a restricted power supply for the system. As a result, it is crucial to reduce the power consumption of the receiver in the system while maintaining optimal performance.

    This thesis aims to explore low-power design techniques for receiver components, evaluating various methods and topologies through literature review and simulation.



    -Investigate the low-power design of receiver components

    -Compare different topologies through simulation

    -Realize the optimal topology in layout



    -Good understanding of circuits

    -Experience with design tools such as ADS or Cadence is a plus


    Language: English