Ultra-Low Noise Amplifier Design for SATCOM Applications

  • Research field:mmW Circuit Design, RFIC Design, LNA Design
  • Type:Masterarbeit
  • Time:anytime
  • Supervisor:

    M.Sc. Ahmed Aksu

  • Note:

    in English

  • A Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) is a critical component in RF front-end design, as it amplifies weak signals with minimal noise, preserving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It is typically the first stage in a receiver system, where the overall noise figure (NF) is primarily determined by this block, making low-NF design essential.

    In Satellite Communication (SatCom) applications, where received power levels can be as low as -100 dBm, even a 0.1 dB reduction in Noise Figure (NF) can improve receiver sensitivity and enhance system performance. Thus, optimizing LNA performance is crucial for ensuring high receiver sensitivity and reliable communication.

    In this thesis, methods for noise reduction in LNA design will be investigated and implemented using SiGe HBT technology.



    Conduct research on low-noise amplifier (LNA) designs and noise cancellation techniques.

    Analyze and compare various topologies to optimize the noise figure (NF), gain, and linearity.

    Perform schematic- and layout-level simulations to evaluate circuit performance.

    Investigate the impact of packaging on overall LNA performance.


    Requirements: Understanding of circuits, ES, RFE, optionally RFIC, Experience on Keysight ADS and Cadence